


input is a table representing the 2 inputs

input queries

input[n].volts  -- gets the current value on input n
input[n].query  -- send input n's value to the host -> ^^stream(<channel>,<volts>)

input modes

available modes are: 'none', 'stream', 'change', 'window', 'scale', 'volume', 'peak'

input[n].mode = 'stream' -- set input n to stream with default time

input[n].mode( 'none' )         -- set input n to 'none' mode

input[n].mode( 'stream', time ) -- set input n to 'stream' every time seconds

input[n].mode( 'change', threshold, hysteresis, direction ) -- set input n to:
    -- 'change':   create an event each time the threshold is crossed
    -- threshold:  set the voltage around which to change state
    -- hysteresis: avoid noise of this size (in volts)
    -- direction:  'rising', 'falling', or 'both' transitions create events

since v2.0

input[n].mode( 'window', windows, hysteresis ) -- set input n to:
    -- 'window':  create an event when the input enters a new voltage window
    -- windows:   a table of voltages defining window boundaries, eg: {-3,-1,1,3}
    -- threshold: sets the hysteresis voltage at each boundary

input[n].mode( 'scale', notes, temperament, scaling ) -- set input n to:
    -- 'scale':     quantize the input, raising an event when a new note is entered
    -- notes:       a table of notes representing the scale, eg: {0,2,4,5,7,9,11}
    -- temperament: number of possible notes per octave. defaults to 12
    -- scaling:     volts-per-octave. default to 1.0, but use 1.2 for buchla systems

input[n].mode( 'volume', time ) -- set input n to stream the volume at the input
    -- 'volume': tracks the RMS amplitude of an audio signal (not a direct voltage)
    -- time:     sets the rate in seconds at which to report the volume

input[n].mode( 'peak', threshold, hysteresis ) -- set input n to:
    -- 'stream':   creates an event when an audio transient is detected at the input
    -- threshold:  sets the RMS level required to trigger an event
    -- hysteresis: sets how far the RMS level needs to decrease before retriggering

table calling the input will set the mode with named parameters:

-- set input n to stream every 0.2 seconds
input[n]{ mode = 'stream'
        , time = 0.2

the default behaviour is that the modes call a specific event, sending to the host:

'stream' -> ^^stream(<channel>,<volts>)
'change' -> ^^change(<channel>,<state>)

you can customize the event handlers:

input[1].stream = function(volts) <your_function> end
input[1].change = function(state) <your_function> end

using table call syntax, you can set the event handler at the same time:

-- set input n to stream every 0.2 seconds & print the value
input[n]{ mode   = 'stream'
        , time   = 0.2
        , stream = function(v) print(v) end -- assign the handler inline


setting cv

output[n].volts = 3.0 -- set output n to 3 volts instantly

slewing cv

output[n].slew  = 0.1 -- sets output n's slew time to 0.1 seconds.
output[n].volts = 2.0 -- tell output n to move toward 2.0 volts, over the slew time

v = output[n].volts   -- set v to the instantaneous voltage of output n

shaping cv

since v1.0.3

output[n].shape = 'expo' -- travel to the .volts destination with a non-linear path
output[n].slew  = 0.1
output[n].volts = 2.0

Available options:

  • ‘linear’
  • ‘sine’
  • ‘logarithmic’
  • ‘exponential’
  • ‘now’: go instantly to the destination then wait
  • ‘wait’: wait at the current level, then go to the destination
  • ‘over’: move toward the destination and overshoot, before landing
  • ‘under’: move away from the destination, then smoothly ramp up
  • ‘rebound’: emulate a bouncing ball toward the destination

quantize to scales

since v2.0

outputs can be quantized with a flexible scale system. these scales are applied after slew or actions, so they can be used to eg. convert lfo’s into arpeggios.

output[n].scale( {scale}, temperament, scaling )
  -- scale: a table of note values, eg: {0,2,3,5,7,9,10}
  --        use the empty table {} for chromatic scale
  -- temperament: how many notes in a scale, default 12 (ie 12TET)
  -- scaling: volts per octave, default to 1.0, but use eg. 1.2 for buchla systems

-- deactivate any active scaling with the 'none' argument
output[n].scale( 'none' )


outputs can have actions, not just voltages and slew times.

output[n].action = lfo() -- set output n's action to be a default LFO
output[n]()              -- start the LFO

output[n]( lfo() )       -- shortcut to set the action and start immediately

available actions are (from asllib.lua):

shape parameters available since v1.0.3. see ‘shaping cv’ for the list of options.

lfo( time, level, shape )           -- low frequency oscillator
pulse( time, level, polarity )      -- trigger / gate generator
ramp( time, skew, level )           -- triangle LFO with skew between sawtooth or ramp shapes
ar( attack, release, level, shape ) -- attack-release envelope, retriggerable
adsr( attack, decay, sustain, release, shape ) -- ADSR envelope

actions can take ‘directives’ to control them. the adsr action needs a false directive in order to enter the release phase:

output[1].action = adsr()
output[1]( true )  -- start attack phase and pause at sustain
output[1]( true )  -- re-start attack phase from the current location
output[1]( false ) -- enter release phase

you can query whether there is an action currently taking place:


or set an event to be called whenever the action ends:

output[1].done = function() print 'done!' end


actions above are implemented using the ASL mini-language.

-- a basic triangle lfo

function lfo( time, level )
    return loop{ to(  level, time/2 )
               , to( -level, time/2 )

everything is built on the primitive to( destination, time ) which takes a destination and time pair, sending the output along a gradient. ASL is just some syntax to tie these short trips into a journey.

since v1.0.3: the to primitive now takes an optional third argument for shape: to( destination, time, shape ) allowing for non-linear paths to the destination value. See shaping cv above for a list of options.

-- an ASL is composed of a sequence of 'to' calls in a table
myjourney = { to(1,1), to(2,2), to(3,3) }

-- often clearer as a vertical sequence
myjourney = { to(1,1)
            , to(2,2)
            , to(3,3)

-- assign to an output and put it in motion
output[1]( myjourney )

ASL provides some constructs for doing musical things:

loop{ <asl> } -- when the sequence is complete, start again
lock{ <asl> } -- ignore all directives until the sequence is complete
held{ <asl> } -- freeze at end of sequence until a false or 'release' directive
times( count, { <asl> } ) -- repeat the sequence `count` times

functions as arguments

ASL can take functions as arguments to get fresh values at runtime. this feature is essential if you want your parameters to update at runtime. this is how we get a new random value each time the output action is called:

output[n]( to( function() return math.random(5) end, 1 ) )

in this way you can capture all kinds of runtime behaviour, like a function that fetches the state of input 1:

function() return input[1].volts end

to aid this, a few common functions are automatically closured if using curly braces:

output[n]( to( math.random(5), 1 ) ) -- gives one random, but unchanging value
output[n]( to( math.random{5}, 1 ) )
                          ^^^ a new random value is calculated each time

this functionality is provided for:



you can use the asl.runtime() function to capture a function to be executed at runtime, each time it’s called within an ASL action. this means you can do simple calculations like grabbing a random value, or complex operations on a runtime variable.

check out lua/asllib.lua in the crow repo for some examples of how to use it. the n2v function is a simple example that divides the value by 12 at runtime.

--- convert a note number to a voltage at runtime
-- the 'n' argument can be a function that returns a note number when called
-- we wrap the division by twelve in a function to be applied to n at runtime

function n2v(n)
    return asl.runtime( function(a) return a/12 end
                      , n


crow has 8 metros that can be used directly:

-- start a timer that prints a number every second, counting up each time

metro[1].event = function(c) print(c) end
metro[1].time  = 1.0
-- create a metro with the name 'mycounter' which calls 'count_event'

mycounter = metro.init{ event = count_event
                      , time  = 2.0
                      , count = -1 -- nb: -1 is 'forever'

function count_event(count)
    -- do something fun!

mycounter:start() -- begin mycounter
mycounter:stop()  -- stop mycounter
-- update params while the timer is running like so:

mycounter.time = 0.1
metro[1].event = a_different_function

ii          -- prints a list of supported ii devices
ii.<device>.help() -- prints available functions for <device>
ii.pullup( state ) -- turns on (true) or off (false) the hardware i2c pullups

since v2.0

multiple addresses per device are supported (eg: txi, er301, faders)

ii.txi[1].get('param',1) -- get the first param of the first device
ii.txi[2].get('param',1) -- get the first param of the second device

ii.txi.event( e, value ) -- 'e' is a table of: { name, device, arg }
    if == 'param' then
        print('txi[' .. e.device .. '][' .. e.arg .. ']=' .. value)
        -- prints: txi[1][1]=1.0
        --         txi[2][1]=3.2

nb: don’t mix and match multiple-address style with regular style!

generally ii arguments corresponding to voltage parameters, including pitch, are specified in volts, times are specified in seconds, and others work the same as the teletype op.


cal.test()    -- re-runs the CV calibration routine
cal.default() -- returns to default calibration values
cal.print()   -- prints the current calibration scalers for debugging


Accessed with crow or _c:

-- send a formatted message to host
crow.tell( name, <args> ) -> ^^name(arg1,arg2)

-- deactivate input modes, zero outputs and slews, and free all metros


These will likely be deprecated / pulled into _c or their respective libs

time() -- returns a count of milliseconds since crow was turned on
get_out( channel ) -- send the current output voltage to host
get_cv( channel )  -- send the current input voltage to host
cputime() -- prints a count of main loops per dsp block. higher == lower cpu
delay( action, time, repeats ) -- delays execution of action (a function)
                               -- by time (in seconds), repeats times