


Crow has an in-built calibration mechanism to allow the inputs and outputs to accurately follow and output values. This functionality is primarily for use with volt-per-octave signals, though of course this accuracy can be used for any number of other purposes!

All modules come pre-calibrated from the factory, so you’ll likely never need to think about this, but just in case, recalibration and data inspection is allowed.


The cal.test() function causes crow to re-run the calibration process.

You must remove all patch cables from the jacks for this process to work correctly!

Calling test without any arguments runs the calibration as per normal, while running test('default') will not run the calibration process, but instead return to default values, in case you’re having problems with the calibration process.


This helper function is just for debugging purposes. Calling it will simply dump a list of values showing the scaling & translation of voltages that were measured during the calibration process. If you’re really curious try resetting to the defaults then printing, followed by a test() and print() to see the difference.

Environment Commands

The below commands should be integrated into a host environment as macros or commands. In particular, the user shouldn’t need to worry about typing them explicitly. norns should provide higher-level functions that send these low-level commands & split up larger code pieces automatically.

The following commands are parsed directly from usb, so should work even if the Lua environment has crashed. nb: start/execute/write-script won’t work correctly if the env is down though. Use ^^clearscript first.

nb: only the first char after the ^^ symbol matters, so the host can simply send a 3 char command (eg ^^s) for brevity & speed

  • ^^startscript: sets crow to reception mode. following code will be saved to a buffer.
  • ^^executescript: crow will restart. buffered code will be error-checked and run immediately.
  • ^^writescript: crow will restart. buffered code will be error-checked, written to flash, then run.
  • ^^clearscript: clears a saved user script. use this if your script is crashing crow. or you want a clean slate.
  • ^^First: restarts crow and sets First as the default script to run on boot, and runs it.
  • ^^printscript: requests crow to print the current user script saved in flash over usb to the host. prints a note if no user script exists or First is running.
  • ^^bootloader: jump directly to the bootloader.
  • ^^reset: reboots crow (not just Lua env). nb: causes usb connection to be reset.
  • ^^kill: restarts the lua environment but doesn’t run the user script.
  • ^^identity: returns serial number.
  • ^^version: returns current firmware version.

Recovering from an unresponsive state

It’s entirely possible to upload crow scripts that will make crow unresponsive and require clearing of the on-board script.

The gentlest way to deal with this situation is to send the ^^clearscript command over usb

  • druid: ^^c
  • norns: crow.clear()

If your crow is connected to your computer through usb + properly powered, but druid reports it can't find crow device: