


  • first a quick, printable introduction.
  • play is a longer introduction and a great starting point.
  • maiden is how to manage projects and import scripts.
  • studies is a series of tutorials for creating scripts.
  • tutorial is a minimal scripting introduction.
  • script reference contains lists of functions.
  • help for deeper device and system troubleshooting.

current version: 200604 (June 04 2020)


norns is the result of generous contributions by many people, and the ecosystem continues to evolve. We welcome discussion and code to help further the goal of an open, dynamic instrument creation platform. Check out the github repo.

We’re also always looking for help with documentation, if your skills include design, instruction, or proofreading. Collective efforts have created numerous exceptional projects over the years, and there’s more to a project than just code!

Found a bug? Let us know. Please file a github issue or let us know on lines.


This project would not have been possible without linux. Currently we’re using Supercollider for DSP extensibility.

matron (control system) and crone (audio system) were created by @catfact. maiden (editor) was created by @ngwese. Each grew with contributions from @artfwo, @jah, @simon, @rv, @pq, @markwheeler, and many others.

norns was initiated by @tehn (monome).