Teletype v3.2.0 Documentation


Teletype is a dynamic, musical event triggering platform.




Version 3.1

New operators

DEVICE.FLIP - change how screen is displayed and how I/O are numbered to let you mount the module upside down

DEL.X, DEL.R - repeat an action multiple times, separated by a delay

J & K local script variables

SEED, R.SEED, TOSS.SEED, DRUNK.SEED, P.SEED, PROB.SEED - get/set seed for different random ops

SCENE.G - load another scene but keep the current grid configuration

SCRIPT.POL / $.POL - get / set script polarity. 1 to fire on rising edges as usual, 2 for falling edges, 3 for both. indicated on live mode w/ mutes icon.

New Ansible ops

ANS.G / ANS.G.P - simulate ansible receiving a grid key press

ANS.A - simulate ansible receiving an arc encoder turn

ANS.G.LED / ANS.A.LED - read LED brightness of ansible grid / arc

New Kria ops

KR.CUE - get / set the cued Kria pattern

KR.PG - switch to Kria parameter page


DELAY_SIZE increased to 16 from 8

Bug fixes

some keyboards losing keystrokes

metro rate not updated after INIT.SCENE

Version 3.0

Major new features

Grid Integration

Grid integration allows you to use grid to visualize, control and execute teletype scripts. You can create your own UIs using grid ops, or control Teletype directly with the Grid Control mode. Built in Grid Visualizer allows designing and using grid scenes without a grid. For more information and examples of grid scenes please see the Grid Studies.

Improved script editing

You can now select multiple lines when editing scripts by holding shift. You can move the current selection up and down with alt-<up> and alt-<down>. You can copy/cut/paste a multiline selection as well. To delete selected lines without copying into the clipboard use alt-<delete>.

Three level undo is also now available with ctrl-z shortcut.

Support for the Orthogonal Devices ER-301 Sound Computer over i2c

You now can connect up to three ER-301s via i2c and address up to 100 virtual CV channels and 100 virtual TR channels per ER-301. (The outputs range 1-100, 101-200, and 201-300 respectively.) To function, this requires a slight mod to current in-market ER-301s and a specialized i2c cable that reorders two of the pins. Find more information on the Orthogonal Devices ER-301 Wiki Teletype Integration Page.

Support for the 16n Faderbank via i2c

The 16n Faderbank is an open-source sixteen fader controller with support for USB MIDI, standard MIDI, and i2c communication with the Teletype. It operates just like an IN or PARAM (or the TXi for that matter) in that you read values from the device. You use the operator FADER (or the alias FB) and the number of the slider you wish to poll (1-16). Know that longer cables may require that you use a powered bus board even if you only have one device on your Teletype’s i2c bus. (You will know that you have a problem if your Teletype randomly hangs on reads.)

Support for the SSSR Labs SM010 Matrixarchate via i2c

The SSSR Labs SM010 Matrixarchate is a 16x8 IO Sequenceable Matrix Signal Router. Teletype integration allows you to switch programs and control connections. For a complete list of available ops refer to the manual. Information on how to connect the module can be found in the SM010 manual.

Support for W/ via i2c

Support for controlling Whimsical Raps W/ module via i2c. See the respective section for a complete list of available ops and refer to for more details.

New operators

? x y z is a ternary “if” operator, it will select between y and z based on the condition x.

New pattern ops

P.MIN PN.MIN P.MAX PN.MAX return the position for the first smallest/largest value in a pattern between the START and END points.

P.RND / PN.RND return a randomly selected value in a pattern between the START and END points.

P.+ / PN.+ / P.- / PN.- increment/decrement a pattern value by the specified amount.

P.+W / PN.+W / P.-W / PN.-W same as above and wrap to the specified range.

New Telex ops

TO.CV.CALIB allows you to lock-in an offset across power cycles to calibrate your TELEX CV output (TO.CV.RESET removes the calibration).

TO.ENV now accepts gate values (1/0) to trigger the attack and decay.

New Kria ops

KR.CV x get the current CV value for channel x

KR.MUTE x KR.MUTE x y get/set mute state for channel x

KR.TMUTE x toggle mute state for channel x

KR.CLK x advance the clock for channel x

Ops for ER-301, 16n Faderbank, SM010, W/

Too many to list, please refer to their respective sections.

New aliases

$ for SCRIPT




New keybindings

Hold shift while making line selection in script editing to select multiple lines. Use alt-<up> and alt-<down> to move selected lines up and down. Copy/cut/paste shortcuts work with multiline selection as well. To delete selected lines without copying into the clipboard use alt-<delete>.

While editing a line you can now use ctrl-<left> / ctrl-<right> to move by words.

ctrl-z provides three level undo in script editing.

Additional Alt-H shortcut is available to view the Help screen.

Alt-G in Live mode will turn on the Grid Visualizer, which has its own shortcuts. Refer to the Keys section for a complete list.

The keybindings to insert a scaled knob value in the Tracker mode were changed from ctrl to ctrl-alt and from shift to ctrl-shift.

Bug fixes

i2c initialization delayed to account for ER-301 bootup

last screen saved to flash

knob jitter when loading/saving scenes reduced

duplicate commands not added to history

SCALE precision improved

PARAM set properly when used in the init script

PARAM and IN won’t reset to 0 after INIT.DATA

PN.HERE, P.POP, PN.POP will update the tracker screen

P.RM was 1-based, now 0-based

P.RM / PN.RM will not change pattern length if deleting outside of length range

JI op fixed

TIME and LAST are now 1ms accurate

RAND / RRAND will properly work with large range values

L .. 32767 won’t freeze

New behavior

Previously, when pasting the clipboard while in script editing the pasted line would replace the current line. It will now instead push the current line down. This might result in some lines being pushed beyond the script limits - if this happens, use ctrl-z to undo the change, delete some lines and then paste again.

I would previously get initialized to 0 when executing a script. If you called a script from another script’s loop this meant you had to use a variable to pass the loop’s current I value to the called script. This is not needed anymore - when a script is called from another script its I value will be set to the current I value of the calling script.

Version 2.2

Teletype version 2.2 introduces Chaos and Bitwise operators, Live mode view of variables, INIT operator, ability to calibrate CV In and Param knob and set Min/Max scale values for both, a screensaver, Random Number Generator, and a number of fixes and improvements.

Major new features

Chaos Operators

The CHAOS operator provides a new source of uncertainty to the Teletype via chaotic yet deterministic systems. This operator relies on various chaotic maps for the creation of randomized musical events. Chaotic maps are conducive to creating music because fractals contain a symmetry of repetition that diverges just enough to create beautiful visual structures that at times also apply to audio. In mathematics a map is considered an evolution function that uses polynomials to drive iterative procedures. The output from these functions can be assigned to control voltages. This works because chaotic maps tend to repeat with slight variations offering useful oscillations between uncertainty and predictability.

Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators have been added to compliment the logic functions and offer the ability to maximize the use of variables available on the Teletype.

Typically, when a variable is assigned a value it fully occupies that variable space; should you want to set another you’ll have to use the next available variable. In conditions where a state of on, off, or a bitwise mathematical operation can provide the data required, the inclusion of these operators give users far more choices. Each variable normally contains 16 bits and Bitwise allows you to BSET, BGET, and BCLR a value from a particular bit location among its 16 positions, thus supplying 16 potential flags in the same variable space.


The new op family INIT features operator syntax for clearing various states from the unforgiving INIT with no parameters that clears ALL state data (be careful as there is no undo) to the ability to clear CV, variable data, patterns, scenes, scripts, time, ranges, and triggers.

Live Mode Variable Display

This helps the user to quickly check and monitor variables across the Teletype. Instead of single command line parameter checks the user is now able to simply press the ~ key (Tilde) and have a persistent display of eight system variables.


Screen saver engages after 90 minutes of inactivity

New Operators



Version 2.1

Teletype version 2.1 introduces new operators that mature the syntax and capability of the Teletype, as well as several bug fixes and enhancement features.

Major new features

Tracker Data Entry Improvements

Data entry in the tracker screen is now buffered, requiring an ENTER keystroke to commit changes, or SHIFT-ENTER to insert the value. All other navigation keystrokes will abandon data entry. The increment / decrement keystrokes (] and [), as well as the negate keystroke (-) function immediately if not in data entry mode, but modify the currently buffered value in edit mode (again, requiring a commit).

Turtle Operator

The Turtle operator allows 2-dimensional access to the patterns as portrayed out in Tracker mode. It uses new operators with the @ prefix. You can @MOVE X Y the turtle relative to its current position, or set its direction in degrees with @DIR and its speed with @SPEED and then execute a @STEP.

To access the value that the turtle operator points to, use @, which can also set the value with an argument.

The turtle can be constrained on the tracker grid by setting its fence with @FX1, @FY1, @FX2, and @FY2, or by using the shortcut operator @F x1 y1 x2 y2. When the turtle reaches the fence, its behaviour is governed by its fence mode, where the turtle can simply stop (@BUMP), wrap around to the other edge (@WRAP), or bounce off the fence and change direction (@BOUNCE). Each of these can be set to 1 to enable that mode.

Setting @SCRIPT N will cause script N to execute whenever the turtle crosses the boundary to another cell. This is different from simply calling @STEP; @SCRIPT N because the turtle is not guaranteed to change cells on every step if it is moving slowly enough.

Finally, the turtle can be displayed on the tracker screen with @SHOW 1, where it will indicate the current cell by pointing to it from the right side with the < symbol.

New Mods: EVERY, SKIP, and OTHER, plus SYNC

These mods allow rhythmic division of control flow. EVERY X: executes the post-command once per X at the Xth time the script is called. SKIP X: executes it every time but the Xth. OTHER: will execute when the previous EVERY/SKIP command did not.

Finally, SYNC X will set each EVERY and SKIP counter to X without modifying its divisor value. Using a negative number will set it to that number of steps before the step. Using SYNC -1 will cause each EVERY to execute on its next call, and each SKIP will not execute.

Script Line “Commenting”

Individual lines in scripts can now be disabled from execution by highlighting the line and pressing ALT-/. Disabled lines will appear dim. This status will persist through save/load from flash, but will not carry over to scenes saved to USB drive.

New Operators

W [condition]: is a new mod that operates as a while loop. The BREAK operator stops executing the current script BPM [bpm] returns the number of milliseconds per beat in a given BPM, great for setting M. LAST [script] returns the number of milliseconds since script was last called.

New Operator Behaviour

SCRIPT with no argument now returns the current script number. I is now local to its corresponding L statement. IF/ELSE is now local to its script.

New keybindings

CTRL-1 through CTRL-8 toggle the mute status for scripts 1 to 8 respectively. CTRL-9 toggles the METRO script. SHIFT-ENTER now inserts a line in Scene Write mode.

Bug fixes

Temporal recursion now possible by fixing delay allocation issue, e.g.: DEL 250: SCRIPT SCRIPT KILL now clears TR outputs and stops METRO. SCENE will no longer execute from the INIT script on initial scene load. AVG and Q.AVG now round up from offsets of 0.5 and greater.

Breaking Changes

As I is now local to L loops, it is no longer usable across scripts or as a general-purpose variable. As IF/ELSE is now local to a script, scenes that relied on IF in one script and ELSE in another will be functionally broken.

Version 2.0

Teletype version 2.0 represents a large rewrite of the Teletype code base. There are many new language additions, some small breaking changes and a lot of under the hood enhancements.

Major new features

Sub commands

Several commands on one line, separated by semicolons.

e.g. CV 1 N 60; TR.PULSE 1

See the section on “Sub commands” for more information.


For example, use TR.P 1 instead of TR.PULSE 1, and use + 1 1, instead of ADD 1 1.

See the section on “Aliases” for more information.

PN versions of every P OP

There are now PN versions of every P OP. For example, instead of:

P.I 0
                P.START 0
                P.I 1
                P.START 10

You can use:

                PN.START 1 10


Lots of OPs have been added for interacting with the wonderful TELEXi input expander and TELEXo output expander. See their respective sections in the documentation for more information.

New keybindings

The function keys can now directly trigger a script.

The <tab> key is now used to cycle between live, edit and pattern modes, and there are now easy access keys to directly jump to a mode.

Many new text editing keyboard shortcuts have been added.

See the “Modes” documentation for a listing of all the keybindings.

USB memory stick support

You can now save you scenes to USB memory stick at any time, and not just at boot up. Just insert a USB memory stick to start the save and load process. Your edit scene should not be effected.

It should also be significantly more reliable with a wider ranger of memory sticks.

WARNING: Please backup the contents of your USB stick before inserting it. Particularly with a freshly flashed Teletype as you will end up overwriting all the saved scenes with blank ones.

Other additions

Breaking changes

WARNING: If you restore your scripts from a USB memory stick, please manually fix any changes first. Alternatively, incorrect commands (due to the above changes) will be skipped when imported, please re-add them.

Known issues

Visual glitches

The cause of these is well understood, and they are essentially harmless. Changing modes with the <tab> key will force the screen to redraw. A fix is coming in version 2.1.



Panel Overlay

The keyboard is attached to the front panel, for typing commands. The commands can be executed immediately in LIVE mode or assigned to one of the eight trigger inputs in EDIT mode. The knob and in jack can be used to set and replace values.

LIVE mode

Teletype starts up in LIVE mode. You’ll see a friendly > prompt, where commands are entered. The command:


will toggle trigger A after pressing enter. Consider:

CV 1 V 5
                CV 2 N 7
                CV 1 0

Here the first command sets CV 1 to 5 volts. The second command sets CV 2 to note 7 (which is 7 semitones up). The last command sets CV 1 back to 0.

Data flows from right to left, so it becomes possible to do this:

CV 1 N RAND 12

Here a random note between 0 and 12 is set to CV 1.

We can change the behavior of a command with a PRE such as DEL:

DEL 500 : TR.TOG A

TR.TOG A will be delayed by 500ms upon execution.

A helpful display line appears above the command line in dim font. Here any entered commands will return their numerical value if they have one.

SCRIPTS, or several lines of commands, can be assigned to trigger inputs. This is when things get musically interesting. To edit each script, we shift into EDIT mode.

LIVE mode icons

Four small icons are displayed in LIVE mode to give some important feedback about the state of Teletype. These icons will be brightly lit when the above is true, else will remain dim. They are, from left to right:

EDIT mode

Toggle between EDIT and LIVE modes by pushing TAB.

The prompt now indicates the script you’re currently editing:

Script 1 will be executed when trigger input 1 (top left jack on the panel) receives a low-to-high voltage transition (trigger, or front edge of a gate). Consider the following as script 1:



Now when input 1 receives a trigger, TR.TOG A is executed, which toggles the state of output trigger A.

Scripts can have multiple lines:


                CV 1 V RAND 4

Now each time input 1 receives a trigger, CV 1 is set to a random volt between 0 and 4, in addition to output trigger A being toggled.


The M script is driven by an internal metronome, so no external trigger is required. By default the metronome interval is 1000ms. You can change this readily (for example, in LIVE mode):

M 500

The metronome interval is now 500ms. You can disable/enable the metronome entirely with M.ACT:


Now the metronome is off, and the M script will not be executed. Set M.ACT to 1 to re-enable.


Patterns facilitate musical data manipulation– lists of numbers that can be used as sequences, chord sets, rhythms, or whatever you choose. Pattern memory consists four banks of 64 steps. Functions are provided for a variety of pattern creation, transformation, and playback. The most basic method of creating a pattern is by directly adding numbers to the sequence:

                P.PUSH 11
                P.PUSH 9
                P.PUSH 3

P.PUSH adds the provided value to the end of the list– patterns keep track of their length, which can be read or modified with P.L. Now the pattern length is 4, and the list looks something like:

5, 11, 9, 3

Patterns also have an index P.I, which could be considered a playhead. P.NEXT will advance the index by one, and return the value stored at the new index. If the playhead hits the end of the list, it will either wrap to the beginning (if P.WRAP is set to 1, which it is by default) or simply continue reading at the final position.

So, this script on input 1 would work well:



Each time input 1 is triggered, the pattern moves forward one then CV 1 is set to the note value of the pattern at the new index. This is a basic looped sequence. We could add further control on script 2:


P.I 0

Since P.I is the playhead, trigger input 2 will reset the playhead back to zero. It won’t change the CV, as that only happens when script 1 is triggered.

We can change a value within the pattern directly:

P 0 12

This changes index 0 to 12 (it was previously 5), so now we have 12, 11, 9, 3.

We’ve been working with pattern 0 up to this point. There are four pattern banks, and we can switch banks this way:

P.N 1

Now we’re on pattern bank 1. P.NEXT, P.PUSH, P, (and several more commands) all reference the current pattern bank. Each pattern maintains its own play index, wrap parameter, length, etc.

We can directly access and change any pattern value with the command PN:

PN 3 0 22

Here the first argument (3) is the bank, second (0) is the index, and last is the new value (22). You could do this by doing P.N 3 then P 0 22 but there are cases where a direct read/write is needed in your patch.

Check the Command Set section below for more pattern commands.

Patterns are stored in flash with each scene!


Editing patterns with scripts or from the command line isn’t always ergonomic. When you’d like to visually edit patterns, TRACKER mode is the way.

The TAB key cycles between LIVE, EDIT and TRACKER mode. You can also get directly to TRACKER mode by pressing the NUM LOCK key. TRACKER mode is the one with 4 columns of numbers on the Teletype screen.

The current pattern memory is displayed in these columns. Use the arrow keys to navigate. Holding ALT will jump by pages.

The edit position is indicated by the brightest number. Very dim numbers indicate they are outside the pattern length.

Use the square bracket keys [ and ] to decrease/increase the values. Backspace sets the value to 0. Entering numbers will overwrite a new value. You can cut/copy/paste with ALT-X-C-V.

Check the Keys section for a complete list of tracker shortcuts.


A SCENE is a complete set of scripts and patterns. Stored in flash, scenes can be saved between sessions. Many scenes ship as examples. On startup, the last used scene is loaded by Teletype.

Access the SCENE menu using ESCAPE. The bracket keys ([ and ]) navigate between the scenes. Use the up/down arrow keys to read the scene text. This text will/should describe what the scene does generally along with input/output functions. ENTER will load the selected scene, or ESCAPE to abort.

To save a scene, hold ALT while pushing ESCAPE. Use the brackets to select the destination save position. Edit the text section as usual– you can scroll down for many lines. The top line is the name of the scene. ALT-ENTER will save the scene to flash.

Keyboard-less Scene Recall

To facilitate performance without the need for the keyboard, scenes can be recalled directly from the module’s front panel.

Init Script

The INIT script (represented as I) is executed when a preset is recalled. This is a good place to set initial values of variables if needed, like metro time M or time enable TIME.ACT for example.

USB Backup

Teletype’s scenes can be saved and loaded from a USB flash drive. When a flash drive is inserted, Teletype will recognize it and go into disk mode. First, all 32 scenes will be written to text files on the drive with names of the form tt##s.txt. For example, scene 5 will be saved to tt05s.txt. The screen will display WRITE....... as this is done.

Once complete, Teletype will attempt to read any files named tt##.txt and load them into memory. For example, a file named tt13.txt would be loaded as scene 13 on Teletype. The screen will display READ...... Once this process is complete, Teletype will return to LIVE mode and the drive can be safely removed.

For best results, use an FAT-formatted USB flash drive. If Teletype does not recognize a disk that is inserted within a few seconds, it may be best to try another.

An example of possible scenes to load, as well as the set of factory default scenes, can be found at the Teletype Codex.




Teletype uses prefix notation. Evaluation happens from right to left.

The left value gets assignment (set). Here, temp variable X is assigned zero:

X 0

Temp variable Y is assigned to the value of X:


X is being read (get X), and this value is being used to set Y.

Instead of numbers or variables, we can use operators to perform more complex behavior:


TOSS returns a random state, either 0 or 1 on each call.

Some operators require several arguments:

X ADD 1 2

Here ADD needs two arguments, and gets 1 and 2. X is assigned the result of ADD, so X is now 3.

If a value is returned at the end of a command, it is printed as a MESSAGE. This is visible in LIVE mode just above the command prompt. (In the examples below ignore the // comments).

8           // prints 8
                X 4
                X           // prints 4
                ADD 8 32    // prints 40

Many parameters are indexed, such as CV and TR. This means that CV and TR have multiple values (in this case, each has four.) We pass an extra argument to specify which index we want to read or write.

CV 1 0

Here CV 1 is set to 0. You can leave off the 0 to print the value.

CV 1        // prints value of CV 1

Or, this works too:

X CV 1      // set X to current value of CV 1

Here is an example of using an operator RAND to set a random voltage:


First a random value between 0 and 3 is generated. The result is turned into a volt with a table lookup, and the final value is assigned to CV 1.

The order of the arguments is important, of course. Consider:

CV RRAND 1 4 0

RRAND uses two arguments, 1 and 4, returning a value between these two. This command, then, chooses a random CV output (1-4) to set to 0. This might seem confusing, so it’s possible to clarify it by pulling it apart:

                CV X 0

Here we use X as a temp step before setting the final CV.

With some practice it becomes easier to combine many functions into the same command.

Furthermore, you can use a semicolon to include multiple commands on the same line:

X RRAND 1 4; CV X 0

This is particularly useful in INIT scripts where you may want to initialize several values at once:

A 66; X 101; TR.TIME 1 20;


Don’t forget to checkout the Teletype Studies for an example-driven guide to the language.


Global key bindings

These bindings work everywhere.

Key Action
<tab> change modes, live to edit to pattern and back
<esc> preset read mode, or return to last mode
alt-<esc> preset write mode
win-<esc> clear delays, stack and slews
shift-alt-? / alt-h help text, or return to last mode
<F1> to <F8> run corresponding script
<F9> run metro script
<F10> run init script
alt-<F1> to alt-<F8> edit corresponding script
alt-<F9> edit metro script
alt-<F10> edit init script
ctrl-<F1> to ctrl-<F8> mute/unmute corresponding script
ctrl-<F9> enable/disable metro script
<numpad-1> to <numpad-8> run corresponding script
<num lock> / <F11> jump to pattern mode
<print screen> / <F12> jump to live mode

Text editing

These bindings work when entering text or code.

In most cases, the clipboard is shared between live, edit and the 2 preset modes.

Key Action
<left> / ctrl-b move cursor left
<right> / ctrl-f move cursor right
ctrl-<left> move left by one word
ctrl-<right> move right by one word
<home> / ctrl-a move to beginning of line
<end> / ctrl-e move to end of line
<backspace> / ctrl-h backwards delete one character
<delete> / ctrl-d forwards delete one character
shift-<backspace> / ctrl-u delete from cursor to beginning
shift-<delete> / ctrl-e delete from cursor to end
alt-<backspace> / ctrl-w delete from cursor to beginning of word
ctrl-x / alt-x cut to clipboard
ctrl-c / alt-c copy to clipboard
ctrl-v / alt-v paste to clipboard

Live mode

Key Action
<down> / C-n history next
<up> / C-p history previous
<enter> execute command
~ toggle variables
[ / ] switch to edit mode
alt-g toggle grid visualizer
alt-<arrows> move grid cursor
alt-shift-<arrows> select grid area
alt-<space> emulate grid press
alt-/ switch grid pages
alt-\ toggle grid control view
alt-<prt sc> insert grid x/y/w/h

In full grid visualizer mode pressing alt is not required.

Edit mode

In edit mode multiple lines can be selected and used with the clipboard.

Key Action
<down> / C-n line down
<up> / C-p line up
[ previous script
] next script
<enter> enter command
shift-<enter> insert command
alt-/ toggle line comment
shift-<up> expand selection up
shift-<down> expand selection down
alt-<delete> delete selection
alt-<up> move selection up
alt-<down> move selection down
ctrl-z undo (3 levels)

Tracker mode

The tracker mode clipboard is independent of text and code clipboard.

Key Action
<down> move down
alt-<down> move a page down
<up> move up
alt-<up> move a page up
<left> move left
alt-<left> move to the very left
<right> move right
alt-<right> move to the very right
[ decrement by 1
] increment by 1
alt-[ decrement by 1 semitone
alt-] increment by 1 semitone
ctrl-[ decrement by 7 semitones
ctrl-] increment by 7 semitones
shift-[ decrement by 12 semitones
shift-] increment by 12 semitones
alt-<0-9> increment by <0-9> semitones (0=10, 1=11)
shift-alt-<0-9> decrement by <0-9> semitones (0=10, 1=11)
<backspace> delete a digit
shift-<backspace> delete an entry, shift numbers up
<enter> commit edit (increase length if cursor in position after last entry)
shift-<enter> commit edit, then duplicate entry and shift downwards (increase length as <enter>)
alt-x cut value (n.b. ctrl-x not supported)
alt-c copy value (n.b. ctrl-c not supported)
alt-v paste value (n.b. ctrl-v not supported)
shift-alt-v insert value
shift-l set length to current position
alt-l go to current length entry
shift-s set start to current position
alt-s go to start entry
shift-e set end to current position
alt-e go to end entry
- negate value
<space> toggle non-zero to zero, and zero to 1
0 to 9 numeric entry
shift-2 (@) toggle turtle display marker (<)
ctrl-alt insert knob value scaled to 0..31
ctrl-shift insert knob value scaled to 0..1023

Preset read mode

Key Action
<down> / C-n line down
<up> / C-p line up
<left> / [ preset down
<right> / ] preset up
<enter> load preset

Preset write mode

Key Action
<down> / C-n line down
<up> / C-p line up
[ preset down
] preset up
<enter> enter text
shift-<enter> insert text
alt-<enter> save preset

Help mode

Key Action
<down> / C-n line down
<up> / C-p line up
<left> / [ previous page
<right> / ] next page
C-f / C-s search forward
C-r search backward

OPs and MODs


General purpose temp vars: X, Y, Z, and T.

T typically used for time values, but can be used freely.

A-D are assigned 1-4 by default (as a convenience for TR labeling, but TR can be addressed with simply 1-4). All may be overwritten and used freely.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
A A x - get / set the variable A, default 1
B B x - get / set the variable B, default 2
C C x - get / set the variable C, default 3
D D x - get / set the variable D, default 4
DRUNK DRUNK x - Changes by -1, 0, or 1 upon each read, saving its state. Setting DRUNK
will give it a new value for the next read, and drunkedness will continue on
from there with subsequent reads.

Setting DRUNK.MIN and DRUNK.MAX controls the lower and upper bounds
(inclusive) that DRUNK can reach. DRUNK.WRAP controls whether the value can
wrap around when it reaches it’s bounds.
DRUNK.MIN DRUNK.MIN x - set the lower bound for DRUNK, default 0
DRUNK.MAX DRUNK.MAX x - set the upper bound for DRUNK, default 255
DRUNK.WRAP DRUNK.WRAP x - should DRUNK wrap around when it reaches it’s bounds, default 0
FLIP FLIP x - returns inverted state (0 or 1) on each read (also settable)
I I x - Get / set the variable I, this variable is overwritten by L, but can be used
freely outside an L loop. Each script gets its own I variable, so if you call
a script from another script’s loop you can still use and modify I without
affecting the calling loop. In this scenario the script getting called will have
its I value initialized with the calling loop’s current I value.
O O x - Auto-increments by O.INC after each access. The initial value is 0. The
lower and upper bounds can be set by O.MIN (default 0) and O.MAX
(default 63). O.WRAP controls if the value wraps when it reaches a bound
(default is 1).


<br/>O => 0<br/>O => 1<br/>X O<br/>X => 2<br/>O.INC 2<br/>O => 3 (O increments after it's accessed)<br/>O => 5<br/>O.INC -2<br/>O 2<br/>O => 2<br/>O => 0<br/>O => 63<br/>O => 61<br/>
O.INC O.INC x - how much to increment O by on each invocation, default 1
O.MIN O.MIN x - the lower bound for O, default 0
O.MAX O.MAX x - the upper bound for O, default 63
O.WRAP O.WRAP x - should O wrap when it reaches its bounds, default 1
T T x - get / set the variable T, typically used for time, default 0
TIME TIME x - timer value, counts up in ms., wraps after 32s, can be set
TIME.ACT TIME.ACT x - enable or disable timer counting, default 1
LAST x - - Gets the number of milliseconds since the given script was run, where M is script 9 and I is script 10. From the live mode, LAST SCRIPT gives the time elapsed since last run of I script.

For example, one-line tap tempo:

<br/>M LAST SCRIPT<br/>

Running this script twice will set the metronome to be the time between runs.
X X x - get / set the variable X, default 0
Y Y x - get / set the variable Y, default 0
Z Z x - get / set the variable Z, default 0
J J x - get / set the variable J, each script gets its own J variable, so if you call
a script from another script you can still use and modify J without affecting the calling script.
K K x - get / set the variable K, each script gets its own K variable, so if you call
a script from another script you can still use and modify K without affecting the calling script.


The Teletype trigger inputs are numbered 1-8, the CV and trigger outputs 1-4. See the Ansible documentation for details of the Ansible output numbering when in Teletype mode.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
CV x CV x y - Get the value of CV associated with output x, or set the CV output of x to
CV.OFF x CV.OFF x y - Get the value of the offset added to the CV value at output x. The offset is
added at the final stage. Set the value of the offset added to the CV value at
output x to y.
CV.SET x - - Set the CV value at output x bypassing any slew settings.
CV.SLEW x CV.SLEW x y - Get the slew time in ms associated with CV output x. Set the slew time
associated with CV output x to y ms.
IN - - Get the value of the IN jack. This returns a valuue in the range 0-16383.
IN.SCALE min max - - Set static scaling of the IN CV to between min and max.
PARAM - PRM Get the value of the PARAM knob. This returns a valuue in the range 0-16383.
PARAM.SCALE min max - - Set static scaling of the PARAM knob to between min and max.
IN.CAL.MIN - - 1. Connect a patch cable from a calibrated voltage source
2. Set the voltage source to 0 volts
3. Execute IN.CAL.MIN from the live terminal
4. Call IN and confirm the 0 result
IN.CAL.MAX - - 5. Set the voltage source to target maximum voltage (10V)
6. Execute IN.CAL.MAX from the live terminal
7. Call IN and confirm that the result is 16383
IN.CAL.RESET - - Resets the input CV calibration
PARAM.CAL.MIN - - 1. Turn the PARAM knob all the way to the left
2. Execute PARAM.CAL.MIN from the live terminal
3. Call PARAM and confirm the 0 result
PARAM.CAL.MAX - - 4. Turn the knob all the way to the right
5. Execute PARAM.CAL.MAX from the live terminal
6. Call PARAM and verify that the result is 16383
PARAM.CAL.RESET - - Resets the Parameter Knob calibration
TR x TR x y - Get the current state of trigger output x. Set the state of trigger
output x to y (0-1).
TR.POL x TR.POL x y - Get the current polarity of trigger output x. Set the polarity of trigger
output x to y (0-1). When TR.POL = 1, the pulse is 0 to 1 then back to 0.
When TR.POL = 0, the inverse is true, 1 to 0 to 1.
TR.TIME x TR.TIME x y - Get the pulse time of trigger output x. Set the pulse time of trigger
output x to yms.
TR.TOG x - - Flip the state of trigger output x.
TR.PULSE x - TR.P Pulse trigger output x.
MUTE x MUTE x y - Mute the trigger input on x (0-7) when y is non-zero.
STATE x - - Read the current state of trigger input x (0=low, 1=high).
DEVICE.FLIP - - Flip the screen, the inputs and the outputs. This op is useful if you want to mount your Teletype upside down.
The new state will be saved to flash.


Patterns facilitate musical data manipulation– lists of numbers that can be used as sequences, chord sets, rhythms, or whatever you choose. Pattern memory consists four banks of 64 steps. Functions are provided for a variety of pattern creation, transformation, and playback.

New in teletype 2.0, a second version of all Pattern ops have been added. The original P ops (P, P.L, P.NEXT, etc.) act upon the ‘working pattern’ as defined by P.N. By default the working pattern is assigned to pattern 0 (P.N 0), in order to execute a command on pattern 1 using P ops you would need to first reassign the working pattern to pattern 1 (P.N 1).

The new set of ops, PN (PN, PN.L, PN.NEXT, etc.), include a variable to designate the pattern number they act upon, and don’t effect the pattern assignment of the ‘working pattern’ (ex: PN.NEXT 2 would increment pattern 2 one index and return the value at the new index). For simplicity throughout this introduction we will only refer to the P ops, but keep in mind that they now each have a PN counterpart (all of which are detailed below)

Both patterns and their arrays of numbers are indexed from 0. This makes the first pattern number 0, and the first value of a pattern is index 0. The pattern index (P.I) functions like a playhead which can be moved throughout the pattern and/or read using ops: P, P.I, P.HERE, P.NEXT, and P.PREV. You can contain pattern movements to ranges of a pattern and define wrapping behavior using ops: P.START, P.END, P.L, and P.WRAP.

Values can be edited, added, and retrieved from the command line using ops: P, P.INS, P.RM, P.PUSH, P.HERE, P.NEXT, and P.PREV. Some of these ops will additionally impact the pattern length upon their execution: P.INS, P.RM, P.PUSH, and P.POP.

To see your current pattern data use the <tab> key to cycle through live mode, edit mode, and pattern mode. In pattern mode each of the 4 patterns is represented as a column. You can use the arrow keys to navigate throughout the 4 patterns and their 64 values. For reference a key of numbers runs the down the lefthand side of the screen in pattern mode displaying 0-63.

From a blank set of patterns you can enter data by typing into the first cell in a column. Once you hit <enter> you will move to the cell below and the pattern length will become one step long. You can continue this process to write out a pattern of desired length. The step you are editing is always the brightest. As you add steps to a pattern by editing the value and hitting <enter> they become brighter than the unused cells. This provides a visual indication of the pattern length.

The start and end points of a pattern are represented by the dotted line next to the column, and the highlighted dot in this line indicates the current pattern index for each of the patterns. See the key bindings for an extensive list of editing shortcuts available within pattern mode.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
P.N P.N x - get/set the pattern number for the working pattern, default 0. All P ops refer to this pattern.
P x P x y - get/set the value of the working pattern at index x. All positive values (0-63) can be set or returned while index values greater than 63 clip to 63. Negative x values are indexed backwards from the end of the pattern length of the working pattern.


with a pattern length of 6 for the working pattern:

P 10
retrieves the working pattern value at index 6

P.I -2
retrieves the working pattern value at index 4

This applies to PN as well, except the pattern number is the first variable and a second variable specifies the index.
PN x y PN x y z - get/set the value of pattern x at index y
P.L P.L x - get/set pattern length of the working pattern, non-destructive to data
PN.L x PN.L x y - get/set pattern length of pattern x. non-destructive to data
P.WRAP P.WRAP x - when the working pattern reaches its bounds does it wrap (0/1). With PN.WRAP enabled (1), when an index reaches its upper or lower bound using P.NEXT or P.PREV it will wrap to the other end of the pattern and you can continue advancing. The bounds of P.WRAP are defined through P.L, P.START, and P.END.

If wrap is enabled (P.WRAP 1) a pattern will begin at its start location and advance to the lesser index of either its end location or the end of its pattern length


With wrap enabled, a pattern length of 6, a start location of 2 , and an end location of 8.

P.WRAP 1; P.L 6; P.START 2; P.END 8

The pattern will wrap between the indexes 2 and 5.

With wrap enabled, a pattern length of 10, a start location of 3, and an end location of 6.

P.WRAP 1; P.L 10; P.START 3; P.END 6

The pattern will wrap between the indexes 3 and 6.

If wrap is disabled (P.WRAP 0) a pattern will run between its start and end locations and halt at either bound.

This applies to PN.WRAP as well, except the pattern number is the first variable and a second variable specifies the wrap behavior (0/1).
PN.WRAP x PN.WRAP x y - when pattern x reaches its bounds does it wrap (0/1), default 1 (enabled)
P.START P.START x - get/set the start location of the working pattern, default 0
PN.START x PN.START x y - get/set the start location of pattern x, default 0
P.END P.END x - get/set the end location of the working pattern, default 63
PN.END x PN.END x y - get/set the end location of the pattern x, default 63
P.I P.I x - get/set index position for the working pattern. all values greater than pattern length return the first step beyond the pattern length. negative values are indexed backwards from the end of the pattern length.


With a pattern length of 6 (P.L 6), yielding an index range of 0-5:

P.I 3

moves the index of the working pattern to 3

P.I 10

moves the index of the working pattern to 6

P.I -2

moves the index of the working pattern to 4

This applies to PN.I, except the pattern number is the first variable and a second variable specifics the index.
PN.I x PN.I x y - get/set index position for pattern x
P.HERE P.HERE x - get/set value at current index of working pattern
PN.HERE x PN.HERE x y - get/set value at current index of pattern x
P.NEXT P.NEXT x - increment index of working pattern then get/set value
PN.NEXT x PN.NEXT x y - increment index of pattern x then get/set value
P.PREV P.PREV x - decrement index of working pattern then get/set value
PN.PREV x PN.PREV x y - decrement index of pattern x then get/set value
P.INS x y - - insert value y at index x of working pattern, shift later values down, destructive to loop length
PN.INS x y z - - insert value z at index y of pattern x, shift later values down, destructive to loop length
P.RM x - - delete index x of working pattern, shift later values up, destructive to loop length
PN.RM x y - - delete index y of pattern x, shift later values up, destructive to loop length
P.PUSH x - - insert value x to the end of the working pattern (like a stack), destructive to loop length
PN.PUSH x y - - insert value y to the end of pattern x (like a stack), destructive to loop length
P.POP - - return and remove the value from the end of the working pattern (like a stack), destructive to loop length
PN.POP x - - return and remove the value from the end of pattern x (like a stack), destructive to loop length
P.MIN - - find the first minimum value in the pattern between the START and END for the working pattern and return its index
PN.MIN x - - find the first minimum value in the pattern between the START and END for pattern x and return its index
P.MAX - - find the first maximum value in the pattern between the START and END for the working pattern and return its index
PN.MAX x - - find the first maximum value in the pattern between the START and END for pattern x and return its index
P.SHUF - - shuffle the values in active pattern (between its START and END)
PN.SHUF x - - shuffle the values in pattern x (between its START and END)
P.ROT n - - rotate the values in the active pattern n steps (between its START and END, negative rotates backward)
PN.ROT x n - - rotate the values in pattern x (between its START and END, negative rotates backward)
P.REV - - reverse the values in the active pattern (between its START and END)
PN.REV x - - reverse the values in pattern x
P.RND - - return a value randomly selected between the start and the end position
PN.RND x - - return a value randomly selected between the start and the end position of pattern x
P.+ x y - - increase the value of the working pattern at index x by y
PN.+ x y z - - increase the value of pattern x at index y by z
P.- x y - - decrease the value of the working pattern at index x by y
PN.- x y z - - decrease the value of pattern x at index y by z
P.+W x y a b - - increase the value of the working pattern at index x by y and wrap it to a..b range
PN.+W x y z a b - - increase the value of pattern x at index y by z and wrap it to a..b range
P.-W x y a b - - decrease the value of the working pattern at index x by y and wrap it to a..b range
PN.-W x y z a b - - decrease the value of pattern x at index y by z and wrap it to a..b range
P.MAP: ... - - Replace each cell in the active pattern (between the START and END of the pattern) by assigning
the variable I to the current value of the cell, evaluating the command after the mod, and
assigning that pattern cell with the result. The ‘map’ higher-order function from functional
programming, with the command giving the function of I to map over the pattern.

For example:

<br/>P.MAP: * 2 I => double each cell in the active pattern<br/>
PN.MAP x: ... - - apply the ‘function’ to each value in pattern x, I takes each pattern value

Control flow

OP OP (set) Alias Description
IF x: ... - - If x is not zero execute command

#### Advanced IF / ELIF / ELSE usage

1. Intermediate statements always run

text<br/> SCRIPT 1:<br/> IF 0: 0 => do nothing<br/> TR.P 1 => always happens<br/> ELSE: TR.P 2 => else branch runs because of the previous IF<br/>

2. ELSE without an IF

text<br/> SCRIPT 1:<br/> ELSE: TR.P 1 => never runs, as there is no preceding IF<br/>

3. ELIF without an IF

text<br/> SCRIPT 1:<br/> ELIF 1: TR.P 1 => never runs, as there is no preceding IF<br/>

4. Independent scripts

text<br/> SCRIPT 1:<br/> IF 1: TR.P 1 => pulse output 1<br/><br/> SCRIPT 2:<br/> ELSE: TR.P 2 => never runs regardless of what happens in script 1<br/> (see example 2)<br/>

5. Dependent scripts

text<br/> SCRIPT 1:<br/> IF 0: TR.P 1 => do nothing<br/> SCRIPT 2 => will pulse output 2<br/><br/> SCRIPT 2:<br/> ELSE: TR.P 2 => will not pulse output 2 if called directly,<br/> but will if called from script 1<br/>
ELIF x: ... - - if all previous IF / ELIF fail, and x is not zero, execute command
ELSE: ... - - if all previous IF / ELIF fail, excute command
L x y: ... - - Run the command sequentially with I values from x to y.

For example:

<br/>L 1 4: TR.PULSE I => pulse outputs 1, 2, 3 and 4<br/>L 4 1: TR.PULSE I => pulse outputs 4, 3, 2 and 1<br/>
W x: ... - - Runs the command while the condition x is true or the loop iterations exceed 10000.

For example, to find the first iterated power of 2 greater than 100:

<br/>A 2<br/>W LT A 100: A * A A<br/>

A will be 256.
EVERY x: ... - - Runs the command every x times the line is executed. This is tracked on a per-line basis, so each script can have 6 different “dividers”.

Here is a 1-script clock divider:

<br/>EVERY 2: TR.P 1<br/>EVERY 4: TR.P 2<br/>EVERY 8: TR.P 3<br/>EVERY 16: TR.P 4<br/>

The numbers do not need to be evenly divisible by each other, so there is no problem with:

<br/>EVERY 2: TR.P 1<br/>EVERY 3: TR.P 2<br/>
SKIP x: ... - - This is the corollary function to EVERY, essentially behaving as its exact opposite.
OTHER: ... - - OTHER can be used to do somthing alternately with a preceding EVERY or SKIP command.

For example, here is a script that alternates between two triggers to make a four-on-the-floor beat with hats between the beats:

<br/>EVERY 4: TR.P 1<br/>OTHER: TR.P 2<br/>

You could add snares on beats 2 and 4 with:

<br/>SKIP 2: TR.P 3<br/>
SYNC x - - Causes all of the EVERY and SYNC counters to synchronize their offsets, respecting their individual divisor values.

Negative numbers will synchronize to to the divisor value, such that SYNC -1 causes all every counters to be 1 number before their divisor, causing each EVERY to be true on its next call, and each SKIP to be false.
PROB x: ... - - potentially execute command with probability x (0-100)
SCRIPT SCRIPT x $ Execute script x (1-10, 9 = metro, 10 = init), recursion allowed.

There is a limit of 8 for the maximum number of nested calls to SCRIPT to stop infinite loops from locking up the Teletype.
SCRIPT.POL x SCRIPT.POL x p $.POL Get or set the trigger polarity of script x, determining which trigger edges the script will fire on.

1: rising edge (default)
2: falling edge
3: either edge
SCENE SCENE x - Load scene x (0-31).

Does not execute the I script.
Will not execute from the I script on scene load. Will execute on subsequent calls to the I script.

WARNING: You will lose any unsaved changes to your scene.
SCENE.G x - - Load scene x (0-31) without loading grid button and fader states.

WARNING: You will lose any unsaved changes to your scene.
KILL - - clears stack, clears delays, cancels pulses, cancels slews, disables metronome
BREAK - BRK halts execution of the current script
INIT - -
WARNING: You will lose all settings when you initialize using INIT - there is NO undo!
INIT.CV x - - clears all parameters on CV associated with output x
INIT.CV.ALL - - clears all parameters on all CV’s
Clears the following variables and resets them to default values: A, B, C, D, CV slew, Drunk min/max, M, O, Q, R, T, TR.
Does not affect the CV input (IN) or the Parameter knob (PARAM) values.
INIT.P x - - clears pattern associated with pattern number x
INIT.P.ALL - - clears all patterns
INIT.SCENE - - loads a blank scene
INIT.SCRIPT x - - clear script number x
INIT.SCRIPT.ALL - - clear all scripts
INIT.TIME x - - clear time on trigger x
INIT.TR x - - clear all parameters on trigger associated with TR x
INIT.TR.ALL - - clear all triggers


Logical operators such as EQ, OR and LT return 1 for true, and 0 for false.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
ADD x y - + add x and y together
SUB x y - - subtract y from x
MUL x y - * returns x times y, bounded to integer limits
DIV x y - / divide x by y
MOD x y - % find the remainder after division of x by y
RAND x - RND generate a random number between 0 and x inclusive
RRAND x y - RRND generate a random number between x and y inclusive
TOSS - - randomly return 0 or 1
? x y z - - if condition x is true return y, otherwise return z
MIN x y - - return the minimum of x and y
MAX x y - - return the maximum of x and y
LIM x y z - - limit the value x to the range y to z inclusive
WRAP x y z - WRP limit the value x to the range y to z inclusive, but with wrapping
QT x y - - round x to the closest multiple of y (quantise)
AVG x y - - the average of x and y
EQ x y - == does x equal y
NE x y - != , XOR x is not equal to y
LT x y - < x is less than y
GT x y - > x is greater than y
LTE x y - <= x is less than or equal to y
GTE x y - >= x is greater than or equal to y
EZ x - ! x is 0, equivalent to logical NOT
NZ x - - x is not 0
LSH x y - << left shift x by y bits, in effect multiply x by 2 to the power of y
RSH x y - >> right shift x by y bits, in effect divide x by 2 to the power of y
LROT x y - <<< circular left shift x by y bits, wrapping around when bits fall off the end
RROT x y - >>> circular right shift x by y bits, wrapping around when bits fall off the end
| x y - - bitwise or x
& x y - - bitwise and x & y
^ x y - - bitwise xor x ^ y
~ x - - bitwise not, i.e.: inversion of x
BSET x y - - set bit y in value x
BGET x y - - get bit y in value x
BCLR x y - - clear bit y in value x
ABS x - - absolute value of x
AND x y - && Logical AND of x and y. Returns 1 if both x and y are greater than 0, otherwise it returns 0.
OR x y - || Logical OR of x and y. Returns 1 if either x or y are greater than 0, otherwise it returns 0.
JI x y - - just intonation helper, precision ratio divider normalised to 1V
SCALE a b x y i - SCL scale i from range a to b to range x to y, i.e. i * (y - x) / (b - a)
ER f l i - - Euclidean rhythm helper, as described by Godfried Toussaint in his 2005 paper [“The Euclidean Algorithm Generates Traditional Musical Rhythms”][euclidean_rhythm_paper][^euclidean_rhythm_citation]. From the abstract:

- f is fill (1-32) and should be less then or equal to length
- l is length (1-32)
- i is the step index, and will work with negative as well as positive numbers

If you wish to add rotation as well, use the following form:

<br/>ER f l SUB i r<br/>

where r is the number of step of forward rotation you want.

For more info, see the post on [][samdoshi_com_euclidean]

[^euclidean_rhythm_citation]: Toussaint, G. T. (2005, July). The Euclidean algorithm generates traditional musical rhythms. In Proceedings of BRIDGES: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music and Science (pp. 47-56).
NR p m f s - - Numeric Repeater is similar to ER, except it generates patterns using the binary arithmetic process found in [“Noise Engineering’s Numeric Repetitor”][numeric_repetitor]. From the description:

Numeric Repetitor is a rhythmic gate generator based on binary arithmetic. A core pattern forms the basis and variation is achieved by treating this pattern as a binary number and multiplying it by another. NR contains 32 prime rhythms derived by examining all possible rhythms and weeding out bad ones via heuristic.

All parameters wrap around their specified ranges automatically and support negative indexing.

- 0 is no mask
- 1 is 0x0F0F
- 2 is 0xF003
- 3 is 0x1F0

For further detail [“see the manual”][nr_manual].

BPM x - - milliseconds per beat in BPM x
N x - - The N OP converts an equal temperament note number to a value usable by the CV outputs.


<br/>CV 1 N 60 => set CV 1 to middle C, i.e. 5V<br/>CV 1 N RAND 24 => set CV 1 to a random note from the lowest 2 octaves<br/>
N.S r s d - - The N.S OP lets you retrieve N table values according to traditional western scales. s and d wrap to their ranges automatically and support negative indexing.

- 0 = Major
- 1 = Natural Minor
- 2 = Harmonic Minor
- 3 = Melodic Minor
- 4 = Dorian
- 5 = Phrygian
- 6 = Lydian
- 7 = Myxolidian
- 8 = Locrian
N.C r c d - - The N.C OP lets you retrieve N table values according to traditional western chords. c and d wrap to their ranges automatically and support negative indexing.

- 0 = Major 7th {0, 4, 7, 11}
- 1 = Minor 7th {0, 3, 7, 10}
- 2 = Dominant 7th {0, 4, 7, 10}
- 3 = Diminished 7th {0, 3, 6, 9}
- 4 = Augmented 7th {0, 4, 8, 10}
- 5 = Dominant 7b5 {0, 4, 6, 10}
- 6 = Minor 7b5 {0, 3, 6, 10}
- 7 = Major 7#5 {0, 4, 8, 11}
- 8 = Minor Major 7th {0, 3, 7, 11}
- 9 = Diminished Major 7th {0, 3, 6, 11}
- 10 = Major 6th {0, 4, 7, 9}
- 11 = Minor 6th {0, 3, 7, 9}
- 12 = 7sus4 {0, 5, 7, 10}
N.CS r s d c - - The N.CS OP lets you retrieve N table values according to traditional western scales and chords. s, c and d wrap to their ranges automatically and support negative indexing.

Chord Scales - Refer to chord indices in N.C OP
- 0 = Major {0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 6}
- 1 = Natural Minor {1, 6, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2}
- 2 = Harmonic Minor {8, 6, 7, 1, 2, 0, 3}
- 3 = Melodic Minor {8, 1, 7, 2, 2, 6, 6}
- 4 = Dorian {1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 6, 0}
- 5 = Phrygian {1, 0, 2, 1, 6, 0, 1}
- 6 = Lydian {0, 2, 1, 6, 0, 1, 1}
- 7 = Myxolidian {6, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1}
- 8 = Locrian {6, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1}
V x - - converts a voltage to a value usable by the CV outputs (x between 0 and 10)
VV x - - converts a voltage to a value usable by the CV outputs (x between 0 and 1000, 100 represents 1V)
EXP x - - exponentiation table lookup. 0-16383 range (V 0-10)
SGN x - - sign function: 1 for positive, -1 for negative, 0 for 0
CHAOS x - - get next value from chaos generator, or set the current value
CHAOS.R x - - get or set the R parameter for the CHAOS generator
CHAOS.ALG x - - get or set the algorithm for the CHAOS generator. 0 = LOGISTIC, 1 = CUBIC, 2 = HENON, 3 = CELLULAR
R - - generate a random number
R.MIN x - - set the lower end of the range from 0 – 32767
R.MAX x - - set the upper end of the range from 0 – 32767


An internal metronome executes the M script at a specified rate (in ms). By default the metronome is enabled (M.ACT 1) and set to 1000ms (M 1000). The metro can be set as fast as 25ms (M 25). An additional M! op allows for setting the metronome to experimental rates as high as 2ms (M! 2). WARNING: when using a large number of i2c commands in the M script at metro speeds beyond the 25ms teletype stability issues can occur.

Access the M script directly with alt-<F10> or run the script once using <F10>.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
M M x - get/set metronome interval to x (in ms), default 1000, minimum value 25
M! M! x - get/set metronome to experimental interval x (in ms), minimum value 2
M.ACT M.ACT x - get/set metronome activation to x (0/1), default 1 (enabled)
M.RESET - - hard reset metronome count without triggering


The DEL delay op allow commands to be sheduled for execution after a defined interval by placing them into a buffer which can hold up to 16 commands. Commands can be delayed by up to 16 seconds

In LIVE mode, the second icon (an upside-down U) will be lit up when there is a command in the DEL buffer.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
DEL x: ... - - Delay the command following the colon by x ms by placing it into a buffer.
The buffer can hold up to 16 commands. If the buffer is full, additional commands
will be discarded.
DEL.CLR - - Clear the delay buffer, cancelling the pending commands.
DEL.X x delay_time: ... - - Delay the command following the colon x times at intervals of delay_time ms by placing it into a buffer.
The buffer can hold up to 16 commands. If the buffer is full, additional commands
will be discarded.
DEL.R x delay_time: ... - - Delay the command following the colon once immediately, and x - 1 times at intervals of delay_time ms by placing it into a buffer.
The buffer can hold up to 16 commands. If the buffer is full, additional commands
will be discarded.
DEL.G x delay_time num denom: ... - - Trigger the command once immediately and x - 1 times at ms intervals of delay_time * (num/denom)^n where n ranges from 0 to x - 1 by placing it into a buffer.
The buffer can hold up to 16 commands. If the buffer is full, additional commands
will be discarded.


These operators manage a last in, first out, stack of commands, allowing them to be memorised for later execution at an unspecified time. The stack can hold up to 8 commands. Commands added to a full stack will be discarded.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
S: ... - - Add the command following the colon to the top of the stack. If the stack
is full, the command will be discarded.
S.CLR - - Clear the stack, cancelling all of the commands.
S.ALL - - Execute all entries in the stack (last in, first out), clearing the stack in
the process.
S.POP - - Pop the most recent command off the stack and execute it.
S.L - - Get the number of entries in the stack.


These operators manage a first in, first out, queue of values. The queue can hold up to 16 values. The length of the queue can be dynamically changed and the contents will be preserved. There is also an averaging operator which is useful for smoothing input values.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
Q Q x - Gets the output value from the queue, or places x into the queue.
Q.N Q.N x - Gets/sets the length of the queue.
Q.AVG Q.AVG x - Getting the value the average of the values in the queue. Setting x sets the
value of each entry in the queue to x.


OP OP (set) Alias Description
SEED SEED x - get / set the random number generator seed for all SEED ops
RAND.SEED RAND.SEED x RAND.SD , R.SD get / set the random number generator seed for R, RRAND, and RAND ops
TOSS.SEED TOSS.SEED x TOSS.SD get / set the random number generator seed for the TOSS op
PROB.SEED PROB.SEED x PROB.SD get / set the random number generator seed for the PROB mod
DRUNK.SEED DRUNK.SEED x DRUNK.SD get / set the random number generator seed for the DRUNK op
P.SEED P.SEED x P.SD get / set the random number generator seed for the P.RND and PN.RND ops


A 2-dimensional, movable index into the pattern values as displayed on the TRACKER screen.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
@ @ x - get or set the current pattern value under the turtle
@X @X x - get the turtle X coordinate, or set it to x
@Y @Y x - get the turtle Y coordinate, or set it to x
@MOVE x y - - move the turtle x cells in the X axis and y cells in the Y axis
@F x1 y1 x2 y2 - - set the turtle’s fence to corners x1,y1 and x2,y2
@FX1 @FX1 x - get the left fence line or set it to x
@FX2 @FX2 x - get the right fence line or set it to x
@FY1 @FY1 x - get the top fence line or set it to x
@FY2 @FY2 x - get the bottom fence line or set it to x
@SPEED @SPEED x - get the speed of the turtle’s @STEP in cells per step or set it to x
@DIR @DIR x - get the direction of the turtle’s @STEP in degrees or set it to x
@STEP - - move @SPEED/100 cells forward in @DIR, triggering @SCRIPT on cell change
@BUMP @BUMP 1 - get whether the turtle fence mode is BUMP, or set it to BUMP with 1
@WRAP @WRAP 1 - get whether the turtle fence mode is WRAP, or set it to WRAP with 1
@BOUNCE @BOUNCE 1 - get whether the turtle fence mode is BOUNCE, or set it to BOUNCE with 1
@SCRIPT @SCRIPT x - get which script runs when the turtle changes cells, or set it to x
@SHOW @SHOW 0/1 - get whether the turtle is displayed on the TRACKER screen, or turn it on or off


Grid operators allow creating scenes that can interact with grid connected to teletype (important: grid must be powered externally, do not connect it directly to teletype!). You can light up individual LEDs, draw shapes and create controls (such as buttons and faders) that can be used to trigger and control scripts. You can take advantage of grid operators even without an actual grid by using the built in Grid Visualizer.

For more information on grid integration see Advanced section and Grid Studies.

As there are many operators let’s review some naming conventions that apply to the majority of them. All grid ops start with G.. For control related ops this is followed by 3 letters specifying the control: G.BTN for buttons, G.FDR for faders. To define a control you use the main ops G.BTN and G.FDR. To define multiple controls replace the last letter with X: G.BTX, G.FDX.

All ops that initialize controls use the same list of parameters: id, coordinates, width, height, type, level, script. When creating multiple controls there are two extra parameters: the number of columns and the number of rows. Controls are created in the current group (set with G.GRP). To specify a different group use the group versions of the 4 above ops - G.GBT, G.GFD, G.GBX, G.GFX and specify the desired group as the first parameter.

All controls share some common properties, referenced by adding a . and:

To get/set properties for individual controls you normally specify the control id as the first parameter: G.FDR.V 5 will return the value of fader 5. Quite often the actual id is not important, you just want to work with the latest control pressed. As these are likely the ops to be used most often they are offered as shortcuts without a .: G.BTNV returns the value of the last button pressed, G.FDRL 4 will set the level of the last fader pressed etc etc.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
G.RST - - Full grid reset - hide all controls and reset their properties to the default
values, clear all LEDs, reset the dim level and the grid rotation.
G.CLR - - Clear all LEDs set with G.LED, G.REC or G.RCT.
G.DIM level - - Set the dim level (0..14, higher values dim more). To remove set to 0.
G.ROTATE x - - Set the grid rotation (0 - no rotation, 1 - rotate by 180 degrees).
G.KEY x y action - - Emulate a grid key press at the specified coordinates (0-based). Set action
to 1 to emulate a press, 0 to emulate a release. You can also emulate a button
press with G.BTN.PR and a fader press with G.FDR.PR.
G.GRP G.GRP id - Get or set the current group. Grid controls created without specifying a group
will be assigned to the current group. This op doesn’t enable/disable groups -
use G.GRP.EN for that. The default current group is 0. 64 groups are
G.GRP.EN id G.GRP.EN id x - Enable or disable the specified group or check if it’s currently enabled.
1 means enabled, 0 means disabled. Enabling or disabling a group enables /
disables all controls assigned to that group (disabled controls are not shown
and receive no input). This allows groups to be used as pages - initialize
controls in different groups, and then simply enable one group at a time.
G.GRP.RST id - - Reset all controls associated with the specified group. This will disable
the controls and reset their properties to the default values. This will also
reset the fader scale range to 0..16383.
G.GRP.SW id - - Switch groups. Enables the specified group, disables all others.
G.GRP.SC id G.GRP.SC id script - Assign a script to the specified group, or get the currently assigned script.
The script gets executed whenever a control associated with the group receives
input. It is possible to have different scripts assigned to a control and
the group it belongs to. Use 9 for Metro and 10 for Init. To unassign, set it
to 0.
G.GRPI - - Get the id of the last group that received input. This is useful when sharing
a script between multiple groups.
G.LED x y G.LED x y level - Set the LED level or get the current level at the specified coordinates.
Possible level range is 0..15 (on non varibright grids anything below 8 is
‘off’, 8 or above is ‘on’).

Grid controls get rendered first, and LEDs are rendered last. This means you can
use LEDs to accentuate certain areas of the UI. This also means that any LEDs
that are set will block whatever is underneath them, even with the level of 0.
In order to completely clear an LED set its level to -3. There are two other
special values for brightness: -1 will dim, and -2 will brighten what’s
underneath. They can be useful to highlight the current sequence step, for
G.LED.C x y - - Clear the LED at the specified coordinates. This is the same as setting
the brightness level to -3. To clear all LEDs use G.CLR.
G.REC x y w h fill border - - Draw a rectangle with the specified width and height. x and y are
the coordinates of the top left corner. Coordinates are 0-based, with the 0,0
point located at the top left corner of the grid. You can draw rectangles that
are partially outside of the visible area, and they will be properly cropped.

fill and border specify the brightness levels for the inner area and
the one-LED-wide border respectively, 0..15 range. You can use the three special
brightness levels: -1 to dim, -2 to brighten and -3 for transparency (you could
draw just a frame by setting fill to -3, for instance).

To draw lines, set the width or the height to 1. In this case only border
brightness level is used.
G.RCT x1 y1 x2 y2 fill border - - Same as G.REC but instead of specifying the width and height you specify
the coordinates of the top left corner and the bottom right corner.
G.BTN id x y w h type level script - - Initializes and enables a button with the specified id. 256 buttons are
available (ids are 0-based so the possible id range is 0..255. The button will
be assigned to the current group (set with G.GRP). Buttons can be
reinitialized at any point.

x and y specify the coordinates of the top left corner, and w and h
specify width and height respectively. type determines whether the button is
latching (1) or momentary (0). level sets the “off” brightness level, possible
rand is -3..15 (the brightness level for pressed buttons is fixed at 13).

script specifies the script to be executed when the button is pressed or
released (the latter only for momentary buttons). Use 9 for Metro and 10 for
Init. Use 0 if you don’t need a script assigned.
G.GBT group id x y w h type level script - - Initialize and enable a button. Same as G.BTN but you can also choose which
group to assign the button too.
G.BTX id x y w h type level script columns rows - - Initialize and enable a block of buttons in the current group with the specified
number of columns and rows . Ids are incremented sequentially by columns and
then by rows.
G.GBX group id x y w h type level script columns rows - - Initialize and enable a block of buttons. Same as G.BTX but you can also
choose which group to assign the buttons too.
G.BTN.EN id G.BTN.EN id x - Enable (set x to 1) or disable (set x to 0) a button with the specified id,
or check if it’s currently enabled. Disabling a button hides it and stops it
from receiving input but keeps all the other properties (size/location etc)
G.BTN.X id G.BTN.X id x - Get or set x coordinate for the specified button’s top left corner.
G.BTN.Y id G.BTN.Y id y - Get or set y coordinate for the specified button’s top left corner.
G.BTN.V id G.BTN.V id value - Get or set the specified button’s value. For buttons the value of 1 means
the button is pressed and 0 means it’s not. If there is a script assigned
to the button it will not be triggered if you change the value - use
G.BTN.PR for that.

Button values don’t change when a button is disabled. Button values are stored
with the scene (both to flash and to USB sticks).
G.BTN.L id G.BTN.L id level - Get or set the specified button’s brightness level (-3..15). Please note you
can only set the level for unpressed buttons, the level for pressed buttons is
fixed at 13.
G.BTNI - - Get the id of the last pressed button. This is useful when multiple buttons are
assigned to the same script.
G.BTNX G.BTNX x - Get or set x coordinate of the last pressed button’s top left corner. This is
the same as G.BTN.X G.BTNI.
G.BTNY G.BTNY y - Get or set y coordinate of the last pressed button’s top left corner. This is
the same as G.BTN.Y G.BTNI.
G.BTNV G.BTNV value - Get or set the value of the last pressed button. This is the same as
G.BTN.V G.BTNI. This op is especially useful with momentary buttons when you
want to react to presses or releases only - just put IF EZ G.BTNV: BREAK in
the beginning of the assigned script (this will ignore releases, to ignore
presses replace NZ with EZ).
G.BTNL G.BTNL level - Get or set the brightness level of the last pressed button. This is the same as
G.BTN.SW id - - Set the value of the specified button to 1 (pressed), set it to 0 (not pressed)
for all other buttons within the same group (useful for creating radio buttons).
G.BTN.PR id action - - Emulate pressing/releasing the specified button. Set action to 1 for press,
0 for release (action is ignored for latching buttons).
G.GBTN.V group value - - Set the value for all buttons in the specified group.
G.GBTN.L group odd_level even_level - - Set the brightness level (0..15) for all buttons in the specified group. You can
use different values for odd and even buttons (based on their index within the
group, not their id) - this can be a good way to provide some visual guidance.
G.GBTN.C group - - Get the total count of all the buttons in the specified group that are currently
G.GBTN.I group index - - Get the id of a currently pressed button within the specified group by its index
(0-based). The index should be between 0 and C-1 where C is the total count of
all pressed buttons (you can get it using G.GBTN.C).
G.GBTN.W group - - Get the width of the rectangle formed by pressed buttons within the specified
group. This is basically the distance between the leftmost and the rightmost
pressed buttons, inclusive. This op is useful for things like setting a loop’s
length, for instance. To do so, check if there is more than one button pressed
(using G.GBTN.C) and if there is, use G.GBTN.W to set the length.
G.GBTN.H group - - Get the height of the rectangle formed by pressed buttons within the specified
group (see G.GBTN.W for more details).
G.GBTN.X1 group - - Get the X coordinate of the leftmost pressed button in the specified group. If
no buttons are currently pressed it will return -1.
G.GBTN.X2 group - - Get the X coordinate of the rightmost pressed button in the specified group. If
no buttons are currently pressed it will return -1.
G.GBTN.Y1 group - - Get the Y coordinate of the highest pressed button in the specified group. If no
buttons are currently pressed it will return -1.
G.GBTN.Y2 group - - Get the Y coordinate of the lowest pressed button in the specified group. If no
buttons are currently pressed it will return -1.
G.FDR id x y w h type level script - - Initializes and enables a fader with the specified id. 64 faders are available
(ids are 0-based so the possible id range is 0..63). The fader will be assigned
to the current group (set with G.GRP). Faders can be reinitialized at any

x and y specify the coordinates of the top left corner, and w and h
specify width and height respectively.

type determines the fader type and orientation. Possible values are:

* 0 - coarse, horizontal bar
* 1 - coarse, vertical bar
* 2 - coarse, horizontal dot
* 3 - coarse, vertical dot
* 4 - fine, horizontal bar
* 5 - fine, vertical bar
* 6 - fine, horizontal dot
* 7 - fine, vertical dot

Coarse faders have the possible range of 0..N-1 where N is width for horizontal
faders or height for vertical faders. Pressing anywhere within the fader area
sets the fader value accordingly. Fine faders allow selecting a bigger range
of values by mapping the range to the fader’s height or width and dedicating
the edge buttons for incrementing/decrementing. Fine faders employ
varibrightness to reflect the current value.

level has a different meaning for coarse and fine faders. For coarse faders
it selects the background brightness level (similar to buttons). For fine faders
this is the maximum value level (the minimum level being 0). In order to show
each value distinctly using varibright the maximum level possible is the number
of available buttons multiplied by 16 minus 1 (since range is 0-based). Remember
that 2 buttons are always reserved for increment/decrement. Using a larger
number is allowed - it will be automatically adjusted to what’s possible.

script specifies the script to be executed when the fader value is changed.
Use 9 for Metro and 10 for Init. Use 0 if you don’t need a script assigned.
G.GFD grp id x y w h type level script - - Initialize and enable a fader. Same as G.FDR but you can also choose which
group to assign the fader too.
G.FDX id x y w h type level script columns rows - - Initialize and enable a block of faders with the specified number of columns
and rows in the current group. Ids are incremented sequentially by columns and
then by rows.
G.GFX group id x y w h type level script columns rows - - Initialize and enable a block of faders. Same as G.FDX but you can also
choose which group to assign the faders too.
G.FDR.EN id G.FDR.EN id x - Enable (set x to 1) or disable (set x to 0) a fader with the specified id,
or check if it’s currently enabled. Disabling a fader hides it and stops it
from receiving input but keeps all the other properties (size/location etc)
G.FDR.X id G.FDR.X id x - Get or set x coordinate for the specified fader’s top left corner.
G.FDR.Y id G.FDR.Y id y - Get or set y coordinate for the specified fader’s top left corner.
G.FDR.N id G.FDR.N id value - Get or set the specified fader’s value. The possible range for coarse faders is
0..N-1 where N is fader’s width (for horizontal faders) or height (for vertical
faders). For fine faders the possible range is 0..N where N is the maximum level
set when the fader was initialized (see G.FDR for more details).

Sometimes it’s more convenient to map the possible fader range to a different
range (when using it to control a CV, for instance). Use G.FDR.V for that.

If there is a script assigned to the fader it will not be triggered if you change
the value - use G.FDR.PR for that.

Fader values don’t change when a fader is disabled. Fader values are stored
with the scene (both to flash and to USB sticks).
G.FDR.V id G.FDR.V id value - Get or set the specified fader’s value mapped to a range set with G.GFDR.RN.
This op is very convenient for using faders to control a known range, such as CV
- simply create a fader and set a range and then assign values directly without
any additional calculations, like this: CV 1 G.FDR.V 1.
G.FDR.L id G.FDR.L id level - Get or set the specified fader’s brightness level (for coarse faders), or the
maximum value level (for fine faders).
G.FDRI - - Get the id of the last pressed fader. This is useful when multiple faders are
assigned to the same script.
G.FDRX G.FDRX x - Get or set x coordinate of the last pressed fader’s top left corner. This is
the same as G.FDR.X G.FDRI.
G.FDRY G.FDRY y - Get or set y coordinate of the last pressed fader’s top left corner. This is
the same as G.BTN.Y G.BTNI.
G.FDRN G.FDRN value - Get or set the value of the last pressed fader. This is the same as
G.FDR.N G.FDRI. See G.FDR.N for more details.
G.FDRV G.FDRV value - Get or set the scaled value of the last pressed fader. This is the same as
G.FDR.V G.FDRI. See G.FDR.V for more details.
G.FDRL G.FDRL level - Get or set the brightness level (for coarse faders), or the maximum value level
(for fine faders) of the last pressed fader. This is the same as
G.FDR.L G.BTNI. For more details on levels see G.FDR.
G.FDR.PR id value - - Emulate pressing the specified fader. Fader value will be set to the specified
value, and if there is a script assigned it will be executed.
G.GFDR.N group value - - Set the value for all faders in the specified group. This can be useful for
resetting all faders in a group. See G.FDR.N for more details.
G.GFDR.V group value - - Set the scaled value for all faders in the specified group. This can be useful
for resetting all faders in a group. See G.FDR.V for more details.
G.GFDR.L group odd_level even_level - - Set the brightness level (0..15) for all faders in the specified group. You can
use different values for odd and even faders (based on their index within the
group, not their id) - this can be a good way to provide some visual guidance.
G.GFDR.RN group min max - - Set the range to be used for V fader values (G.FDR.V, G.FDRV, G.GFDR.V).
While the .N ops provide the actual fader value sometimes it’s more convenient
to map it to a different range so it can be used directly for something like
a CV without having to scale it each time.

An example: let’s say you create a coarse fader with the width of 8 which will
be used to control a CV output where the voltage must be in the 2V..5V range.
Using G.FDR.N you would need to do this: CV 1 SCL 0 7 V 2 V 5 G.FDR.N 0.
Instead you can set the range for scaling once: G.GFDR.RN 0 V 2 V 5 (assuming
the fader is in group 0) and then simply do CV 1 G.FDR.V 0.

The range is shared by all faders within the same group. If you need to use a
different range use a different group when initializing a fader.

The default range is 0..16383. G.RST and G.GRP.RST reset ranges to the
default value.


OP OP (set) Alias Description
ANS.G.LED x y - - get grid LED buffer at position x, y
ANS.G x y ANS.G x y z - get/set grid key on/off state (z) at position x, y
ANS.G.P x y - - simulate grid key press at position (x, y)
ANS.A.LED n x - - read arc LED buffer for ring n, LED x clockwise from north
ANS.A ANS.A n d - send arc encoder event for ring n, delta d
ANS.APP ANS.APP x - Get or change the app that is active on Ansible. Numbering:

- 0 = levels
- 1 = cycles
- 2 = kria
- 3 = meadowphysics
- 4 = midi standard
- 5 = midi arp
- 6 = teletype expander
KR.PRE KR.PRE x - return current preset / load preset x
KR.PERIOD KR.PERIOD x - get/set internal clock period
KR.PAT KR.PAT x - get/set current pattern
KR.SCALE KR.SCALE x - get/set current scale
KR.POS x y KR.POS x y z - Set position to z for track x, parameter y.

A value of 0 for x means all tracks.

A value of 0 for y means all parameters


- 0 = all
- 1 = trigger
- 2 = note
- 3 = octave
- 4 = length
KR.L.ST x y KR.L.ST x y z - get loop start for track x, parameter y / set to z
KR.L.LEN x y KR.L.LEN x y z - get length of track x, parameter y / set to z
KR.RES x y - - reset position to loop start for track x, parameter y
KR.CV x - - get the current CV value for channel x
KR.MUTE x KR.MUTE x y - get/set mute state for channel x (1 = muted, 0 = unmuted)
KR.TMUTE x - - toggle mute state for channel x
KR.CLK x - - advance the clock for channel x (channel must have teletype clocking enabled)
KR.PG KR.PG x - Get or change the current parameter page. Numbering:

- 0 = trigger
- 1 = ratchet
- 2 = note
- 3 = alt note
- 4 = octave
- 5 = glide
- 6 = duration
- 7 = TBD
- 8 = scale
- 9 = pattern
KR.CUE KR.CUE x - Get or change the cued pattern. Numbered from 0.
KR.DIR KR.DIR x - Get or change the step direction. Numbered from 0.
KR.DUR x - - get the current duration value for channel x
ME.PRE ME.PRE x - return current preset / load preset x
ME.SCALE ME.SCALE x - get/set current scale
ME.PERIOD ME.PERIOD x - get/set internal clock period
ME.STOP x - - stop channel x (0 = all)
ME.RES x - - reset channel x (0 = all), also used as “start”
ME.CV x - - get the current CV value for channel x
LV.PRE LV.PRE x - return current preset / load preset x
LV.RES x - - reset, 0 for soft reset (on next ext. clock), 1 for hard reset
LV.POS LV.POS x - get/set current position
LV.L.ST LV.L.ST x - get/set loop start
LV.L.LEN LV.L.LEN x - get/set loop length
LV.L.DIR LV.L.DIR x - get/set loop direction
LV.CV x - - get the current CV value for channel x
CY.PRE CY.PRE x - return current preset / load preset x
CY.RES x - - reset channel x (0 = all)
CY.POS x CY.POS x y - get / set position of channel x (x = 0 to set all), position between 0-255
CY.REV x - - reverse channel x (0 = all)
CY.CV x - - get the current CV value for channel x
MID.SLEW t - - set pitch slew time in ms (applies to all allocation styles except FIXED)
MID.SHIFT o - - shift pitch CV by standard Teletype pitch value (e.g. N 6, V -1, etc)
ARP.HLD h - - 0 disables key hold mode, other values enable
ARP.STY y - - set base arp style [0-7]
ARP.GT v g - - set voice gate length [0-127], scaled/synced to course divisions of voice clock
ARP.SLEW v t - - set voice slew time in ms
ARP.RPT v n s - - set voice pattern repeat, n times [0-8], shifted by s semitones [-24, 24]
ARP.DIV v d - - set voice clock divisor (euclidean length), range [1-32]
ARP.FIL v f - - set voice euclidean fill, use 1 for straight clock division, range [1-32]
ARP.ROT v r - - set voice euclidean rotation, range [-32, 32]
ARP.ER v f d r - - set all euclidean rhythm
ARP.RES v - - reset voice clock/pattern on next base clock tick
ARP.SHIFT v o - - shift voice cv by standard tt pitch value (e.g. N 6, V -1, etc)

White Whale

OP OP (set) Alias Description
WW.PRESET x - - Set White Whale to preset x (0-7). This takes effect immediately. The current playback
position is not changed.
WW.POS x - - Cut immediately to position (0-15) in the currently playing pattern.
WW.SYNC x - - Cut to position (0-15) in the currently playing pattern. If White Whale is being clocked internaly,
this also hard-syncs the clock.
WW.START x - - Set the loop start position (0-15). This does not impact the current playback position. If the
playback position is outside of the defined loop it will continue to step until it enters the
loop. If the start position is after the end position, the loop will wrap around the ends of the
WW.END x - - Set the loop end position (0-15). This does not impact the current playback position. If the
playback position is outside of the defined loop it will continue to step until it enters the
loop. If the end position is before the end position, the loop will wrap around the ends of the
WW.PMODE x - - Set the loop play mode. The available modes are: 0 - forward, 1 - reverse, 2 - drunk, 3 - random, 4 - pingpong, 5 - pingpong with repeated end points.
WW.PATTERN x - - Change pattern. This does not impact the current playback position.
WW.QPATTERN x - - Change pattern (0-15) after current pattern ends
WW.MUTE1 x - - Mute trigger 1 (0 = on, 1 = mute).
WW.MUTE2 x - - Mute trigger 2 (0 = on, 1 = mute).
WW.MUTE3 x - - Mute trigger 3 (0 = on, 1 = mute).
WW.MUTE4 x - - Mute trigger 4 (0 = on, 1 = mute).
WW.MUTEA x - - Mute CV A (0 = on, 1 = mute).
WW.MUTEB x - - Mute CV B (0 = on, 1 = mute).


For use on the original Meadowphysics module with version 2 firmware. Reference the Ansible ops for using Meadowphysics on the Ansible module.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
MP.PRESET x - - set Meadowphysics to preset x (indexed from 0)
MP.RESET x - - reset countdown for channel x (0 = all, 1-8 = individual channels)
MP.STOP x - - reset channel x (0 = all, 1-8 = individual channels)


OP OP (set) Alias Description
ES.PRESET x - - Recall the preset in location x. This will stop the currently playing pattern.
ES.MODE x - - Sets the pattern clock mode. Setting x to 0 sets Earthsea to use it’s internal clock. Setting x to 1 clocks Earthsea via the ES.CLOCK command.
ES.CLOCK x - - If Earthsea is II clocked (see ES.MODE), and x is non-zero, advance to the next pattern event.
ES.RESET x - - If x is non-zero, reset the position in the current pattern to the start and start playing.
ES.PATTERN x - - Select pattern (0-15) from the current preset.
ES.TRANS x - - Apply a transposition relative to the current ‘root’ position. Integer divisions of x shift the root note up or down a row, x modulo 5 will shift the position
left or right up to 4 notes.
ES.STOP x - - If x is non-zero, stop pattern playback, or stop record if currently recording.
ES.TRIPLE x - - Recall triple shape (1-4).
ES.MAGIC x - - Apply one of the magic shapes, (1= halfspeed, 2=doublespeed, 3=linearize). Other shapes are not currently available via II ops.


Remote commands for Orca (alternative WW firmware). For detailed info and tips on usage please refer to the Orca manual.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
OR.CLK x - - Gives you the ability to clock individual tracks. The master clock will still advance all 4 tracks.
OR.RST x - - Reset track x (1-4)
OR.GRST x - - Global reset (x can be any value)
OR.TRK x - - Choose track x (1-4) to be used by OR.DIV, OR.PHASE, OR.WGT or OR.MUTE
OR.DIV x - - Set divisor for selected track to x (1-16)
OR.PHASE x - - Set phase for selected track to x (0-16)
OR.WGT x - - Set weight for selected track to x (1-8)
OR.MUTE x - - Mute trigger selected by OR.TRK (0 = on, 1 = mute)
OR.SCALE x - - Value of 1-16 will select scale for both CV A and CV B. To select individual scales append their numbers, for instance, 105 will select scale 1 for CV A and scale 5 for CV B, and 1005 will select scale 10 for CV A and scale 5 for CV B.
OR.BANK x - - Select preset bank x (1-8)
OR.PRESET x - - Select preset x (1-8)
OR.RELOAD x - - Abandons any unsaved changes and reloads selected presets/banks from flash. Could be useful in I script.
OR.ROTS x - - Rotates scales up. To rotate them down set x to 16 minus the amount.
OR.ROTW x - - Rotates weights up. To rotate them down set x to 4 minus the amount.
OR.CVA x - - Convert a binary number representing selected tracks (so 1001 will select tracks 1 and 4, for instance) and set x to that.
OR.CVB x - - Convert a binary number representing selected tracks (so 1001 will select tracks 1 and 4, for instance) and set x to that.

Just Friends

More extensively covered in the Just Friends Documentation.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
JF.TR x y - - Simulate a TRIGGER input. x is channel (0 = all) and y is state (0 or 1)
JF.RMODE x - - Set the RUN state of Just Friends when no physical jack is present. (0 = run off, non-zero = run on)
JF.RUN x - - Send a ‘voltage’ to the RUN input. Requires JF.RMODE 1 to have been executed, or a physical cable in JF’s input. Thus Just Friend’s RUN modes are accessible without needing a physical cable & control voltage to set the RUN parameter. use JF.RUN V x to set to x volts. The expected range is V -5 to V 5
JF.SHIFT x - - Shifts the transposition of Just Friends, regardless of speed setting. Shifting by V 1 doubles the frequency in sound, or doubles the rate in shape. x = pitch, use N x for semitones, or V y for octaves.
JF.VTR x y - - Like JF.TR with added volume control. Velocity is scaled with volts, so try V 5 for an output trigger of 5 volts. Channels remember their latest velocity setting and apply it regardless of TRIGGER origin (digital or physical). x = channel, 0 sets all channels. y = velocity, amplitude of output in volts. eg JF.VTR 1 V 4.
JF.TUNE x y z - - Adjust the tuning ratios used by the INTONE control. x = channel, y = numerator (set the multiplier for the tuning ratio), z = denominator (set the divisor for the tuning ratio).
JF.MODE x - - Set the current choice of standard functionality, or Just Type alternate modes. You’ll likely want to put JF.MODE x in your Teletype INIT scripts. x = nonzero activates alternative modes. 0 restores normal.
JF.VOX x y z - - Create a note at the specified channel, of the defined pitch & velocity. All channels can be set simultaneously with a chan value of 0. x = channel, y = pitch relative to C3, z = velocity (like JF.VTR).
JF.NOTE x y - - Polyphonically allocated note sequencing. Works as JF.VOX with chan selected automatically. Free voices will be taken first. If all voices are busy, will steal from the voice which has been active the longest. x = pitch relative to C3, y = velocity.
JF.GOD x - - Redefines C3 to align with the ‘God’ note. x = 0 sets A to 440, x = 1 sets A to 432.
JF.TICK x - - Sets the underlying timebase of the Geode. x = clock. 0 resets the timebase to the start of measure. 1 to 48 shall be sent repetitively. The value representing ticks per measure. 49 to 255 sets beats-per-minute and resets the timebase to start of measure.
JF.QT x - - When non-zero, all events are queued & delayed until the next quantize event occurs. Using values that don’t align with the division of rhythmic streams will cause irregular patterns to unfold. Set to 0 to deactivate quantization. x = division, 0 deactivates quantization, 1 to 32 sets the subdivision & activates quantization.


The TELEXi (or TXi) is an input expander that adds 4 IN jacks and 4 PARAM knobs to the Teletype. There are jumpers on the back so you can hook more than one TXi to your Teletype simultaneously.

Inputs added to the system by the TELEX modules are addressed sequentially: 1-4 are on your first module of any type, 5-8 are on the second, 9-12 on the third, and so on. A few of the commands reference the module by its unit number – but those are rare.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
TI.PARAM x - TI.PRM reads the value of PARAM knob x; default return range is from 0 to 16383; return range can be altered by the TI.PARAM.MAP command
TI.PARAM.QT x - TI.PRM.QT return the quantized value for PARAM knob x using the scale set by TI.PARAM.SCALE; default return range is from 0 to 16383
TI.PARAM.N x - TI.PRM.N return the quantized note number for PARAM knob x using the scale set by TI.PARAM.SCALE
TI.PARAM.SCALE x - TI.PRM.SCALE ### Quantization Scales
0. Equal Temperament [DEFAULT]
1. 12-tone Pythagorean scale
2. Vallotti & Young scale (Vallotti version) also known as Tartini-Vallotti (1754)
3. Andreas Werckmeister’s temperament III (the most famous one, 1681)
4. Wendy Carlos’ Alpha scale with perfect fifth divided in nine
5. Wendy Carlos’ Beta scale with perfect fifth divided by eleven
6. Wendy Carlos’ Gamma scale with third divided by eleven or fifth by twenty
7. Carlos Harmonic & Ben Johnston’s scale of ‘Blues’ from Suite f.micr.piano (1977) & David Beardsley’s scale of ‘Science Friction’
8. Carlos Super Just
9. Kurzweil “Empirical Arabic”
10. Kurzweil “Just with natural b7th”, is Sauveur Just with 7/4
11. Kurzweil “Empirical Bali/Java Harmonic Pelog”
12. Kurzweil “Empirical Bali/Java Slendro, Siam 7”
13. Kurzweil “Empirical Tibetian Ceremonial”
14. Harry Partch’s 43-tone pure scale
15. Partch’s Indian Chromatic, Exposition of Monophony, 1933.
16. Partch Greek scales from “Two Studies on Ancient Greek Scales” on black/white
TI.PARAM.MAP x y z - TI.PRM.MAP If you would like to have a PARAM knob values over a specific range, you can offload the processing for this to the TXo by mapping the range of the potentiometer using the MAP command. It works a lot like the MAP operator, but does the heavy lifting on the TXi, saving you space in your code and cycles on your processor.

For instance, let’s have the first knob return a range from 0 to 100.

<br/>TI.PARAM.MAP 1 0 100<br/>

You can reset the mapping by either calling the map command with the default range or by using the INIT command (TO.PARAM.INIT 1).
TI.IN x - - reads the value of IN jack x; default return range is from -16384 to 16383 - representing -10V to +10V; return range can be altered by the TI.IN.MAP command
TI.IN.QT x - - return the quantized value for IN jack x using the scale set by TI.IN.SCALE; default return range is from -16384 to 16383 - representing -10V to +10V
TI.IN.N x - - return the quantized note number for IN jack x using the scale set by TI.IN.SCALE
TI.IN.SCALE x - - ### Quantization Scales
0. Equal Temperament [DEFAULT]
1. 12-tone Pythagorean scale
2. Vallotti & Young scale (Vallotti version) also known as Tartini-Vallotti (1754)
3. Andreas Werckmeister’s temperament III (the most famous one, 1681)
4. Wendy Carlos’ Alpha scale with perfect fifth divided in nine
5. Wendy Carlos’ Beta scale with perfect fifth divided by eleven
6. Wendy Carlos’ Gamma scale with third divided by eleven or fifth by twenty
7. Carlos Harmonic & Ben Johnston’s scale of ‘Blues’ from Suite f.micr.piano (1977) & David Beardsley’s scale of ‘Science Friction’
8. Carlos Super Just
9. Kurzweil “Empirical Arabic”
10. Kurzweil “Just with natural b7th”, is Sauveur Just with 7/4
11. Kurzweil “Empirical Bali/Java Harmonic Pelog”
12. Kurzweil “Empirical Bali/Java Slendro, Siam 7”
13. Kurzweil “Empirical Tibetian Ceremonial”
14. Harry Partch’s 43-tone pure scale
15. Partch’s Indian Chromatic, Exposition of Monophony, 1933.
16. Partch Greek scales from “Two Studies on Ancient Greek Scales” on black/white
TI.IN.MAP x y z - - maps the IN values for input jack x across the range y - z (default range is -16384 to 16383 - representing -10V to +10V)
TI.PARAM.INIT x - TI.PRM.INIT initializes PARAM knob x back to the default boot settings and behaviors; neutralizes mapping (but not calibration)
TI.IN.INIT x - - initializes IN jack x back to the default boot settings and behaviors; neutralizes mapping (but not calibration)
TI.INIT d - - initializes all of the PARAM and IN inputs for device number d (1-8)
TI.PARAM.CALIB x y - TI.PRM.CALIB You can calibrate your PARAM knob by using this command. The steps for full calibration are as follows:

1. Turn the PARAM knob x all the way to the left
2. Send the command ‘TI.PARAM.CALIBRATE x 0’
3. Turn the PARAM knob x all the way to the right
4. Send the command ‘TI.PARAM.CALIBRATE x 1’

Don’t forget to call the TI.STORE command to save your calibration between sessions.
TI.IN.CALIB x y - - You can calibrate your IN jack to external voltages by using this command. The steps for full calibration are as follows:

1. Send a -10V signal to the input x
2. Send the command ‘TI.IN.CALIBRATE x -1’
3. Send a 0V signal to the input x
4. Send the command ‘TI.IN.CALIBRATE x 0’
5. Send a 10V signal to the input x
6. Send the command ‘TI.IN.CALIBRATE x 1’

Don’t forget to call the TI.STORE command to save your calibration between sessions.
TI.STORE d - - stores the calibration data for TXi number d (1-8) to its internal flash memory
TI.RESET d - - resets the calibration data for TXi number d (1-8) to its factory defaults (no calibration)


The TELEXo (or TXo) is an output expander that adds an additional 4 Trigger and 4 CV jacks to the Teletype. There are jumpers on the back so you can hook more than one TXo to your Teletype simultaneously.

Outputs added to the system by the TELEX modules are addressed sequentially: 1-4 are on your first module of any type, 5-8 are on the second, 9-12 on the third, and so on. A few of the commands reference the module by its unit number – but those are rare.

Unlike the Teletype’s equivalent operators, the TXo does not have get commands for its functions. This was intentional as these commands eat up processor and bus-space. While they may be added in the future, as of now you cannot poll the TXo for the current state of its various operators.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
TO.TR x y - - sets the TR value for output x to y (0/1)
TO.TR.TOG x - - toggles the TR value for output x
TO.TR.PULSE x - TO.TR.P pulses the TR value for output x for the duration set by TO.TR.TIME/S/M
TO.TR.PULSE.DIV x y - TO.TR.P.DIV The pulse divider will output one trigger pulse every y pulse commands. For example, setting the DIV factor to 2 like this:
<br/>TO.TR.P.DIV 1 2<br/>
Will cause every other TO.TR.P 1 command to emit a pulse.

Reset it to one (TO.TR.P.DIV 1 1) or initialize the output (TO.TR.INIT 1) to return to the default behavior.
TO.TR.PULSE.MUTE x y - TO.TR.P.MUTE mutes or un-mutes TR output x; y is 1 (mute) or 0 (un-mute)
TO.TR.TIME x y - - sets the time for TR.PULSE on output n; y in milliseconds
TO.TR.TIME.S x y - - sets the time for TR.PULSE on output n; y in seconds
TO.TR.TIME.M x y - - sets the time for TR.PULSE on output n; y in minutes
TO.TR.WIDTH x y - - The actual time value for the trigger pulse when set by the WIDTH command is relative to the current value for TO.TR.M. Changes to TO.TR.M will change the duration of TR.PULSE when using the WIDTH mode to set its value. Values for y are set in percentage (0-100).

For example:

<br/>TO.TR.M 1 1000<br/>TO.TR.WIDTH 1 50<br/>

The length of a TR.PULSE is now 500ms.

<br/>TO.TR.M 1 500<br/>

The length of a TR.PULSE is now 250ms. Note that you don’t need to use the width command again as it automatically tracks the value for TO.TR.M.
TO.TR.POL x y - - sets the polarity for TR output n
TO.TR.M.ACT x y - - Each TR output has its own independent metronome that will execute a TR.PULSE at a specified interval. The ACT command enables (1) or disables (0) the metronome.
TO.TR.M x y - - sets the independent metronome interval for output x to y in milliseconds; default 1000
TO.TR.M.S x y - - sets the independent metronome interval for output x to y in seconds; default 1
TO.TR.M.M x y - - sets the independent metronome interval for output x to y in minutes
TO.TR.M.BPM x y - - sets the independent metronome interval for output x to y in Beats Per Minute
TO.TR.M.COUNT x y - - This allows for setting a limit to the number of times TO.TR.M will PULSE when active before automatically disabling itself. For example, let’s set it to pulse 5 times with 500ms between pulses:

<br/>TO.TR.M 1 500<br/>TO.TR.M.COUNT 1 5<br/>

Now, each time we activate it, the metronome will pulse 5 times - each a half-second apart.

<br/>TO.TR.M.ACT 1 1<br/>


The metronome is now disabled after pulsing five times. If you call ACT again, it will emit five more pulses.

To reset, either set your COUNT to zero (TO.TR.M.COUNT 1 0) or call init on the output (TO.TR.INIT 1 1).
TO.TR.M.MUL x y - - The following example will cause 2 against 3 patterns to pulse out of TO.TR outputs 3 and 4.

<br/>TO.TR.M.MUL 3 2<br/>TO.TR.M.MUL 4 3<br/>L 3 4: TO.TR.M.ACT I 1<br/>
TO.TR.M.SYNC x - - synchronizes the PULSE for metronome on TR output number x
TO.M.ACT d y - - sets the active status for the 4 independent metronomes on device d (1-8) to y (0/1); default 0 (disabled)
TO.M d y - - sets the 4 independent metronome intervals for device d (1-8) to y in milliseconds; default 1000
TO.M.S d y - - sets the 4 independent metronome intervals for device d to y in seconds; default 1
TO.M.M d y - - sets the 4 independent metronome intervals for device d to y in minutes
TO.M.BPM d y - - sets the 4 independent metronome intervals for device d to y in Beats Per Minute
TO.M.COUNT d y - - sets the number of repeats before deactivating for the 4 metronomes on device d to y; default 0 (infinity)
TO.M.SYNC d - - This command causes the TXo at device d to synchronize all of its independent metronomes to the moment it receives the command. Each will then continue to pulse at its own independent M rate.
TO.CV x - - CV target output x; y values are bipolar (-16384 to +16383) and map to -10 to +10
TO.CV.SLEW x y - - set the slew amount for output x; y in milliseconds
TO.CV.SLEW.S x y - - set the slew amount for output x; y in seconds
TO.CV.SLEW.M x y - - set the slew amount for output x; y in minutes
TO.CV.SET x y - - set the CV for output x (ignoring SLEW); y values are bipolar (-16384 to +16383) and map to -10 to +10
TO.CV.OFF x y - - set the CV offset for output x; y values are added at the final stage
TO.CV.QT x y - - CV target output x; y is quantized to output’s current CV.SCALE
TO.CV.QT.SET x y - - set the CV for output x (ignoring SLEW); y is quantized to output’s current CV.SCALE
TO.CV.N x y - - target the CV to note y for output x; y is indexed in the output’s current CV.SCALE
TO.CV.N.SET x y - - set the CV to note y for output x; y is indexed in the output’s current CV.SCALE (ignoring SLEW)
TO.CV.SCALE x y - - ### Quantization Scales
0. Equal Temperament [DEFAULT]
1. 12-tone Pythagorean scale
2. Vallotti & Young scale (Vallotti version) also known as Tartini-Vallotti (1754)
3. Andreas Werckmeister’s temperament III (the most famous one, 1681)
4. Wendy Carlos’ Alpha scale with perfect fifth divided in nine
5. Wendy Carlos’ Beta scale with perfect fifth divided by eleven
6. Wendy Carlos’ Gamma scale with third divided by eleven or fifth by twenty
7. Carlos Harmonic & Ben Johnston’s scale of ‘Blues’ from Suite f.micr.piano (1977) & David Beardsley’s scale of ‘Science Friction’
8. Carlos Super Just
9. Kurzweil “Empirical Arabic”
10. Kurzweil “Just with natural b7th”, is Sauveur Just with 7/4
11. Kurzweil “Empirical Bali/Java Harmonic Pelog”
12. Kurzweil “Empirical Bali/Java Slendro, Siam 7”
13. Kurzweil “Empirical Tibetian Ceremonial”
14. Harry Partch’s 43-tone pure scale
15. Partch’s Indian Chromatic, Exposition of Monophony, 1933.
16. Partch Greek scales from “Two Studies on Ancient Greek Scales” on black/white
TO.CV.LOG x y - - The following example creates an envelope that ramps to 5V over a logarithmic curve:

<br/>TO.CV.SET 1 V 5<br/>TO.CV.LOG 1 2<br/>TO.ENV.ATT 1 500<br/>TO.ENV.DEC.S 1 2<br/>TO.ENV.ACT 1 1<br/>

When triggered (TO.ENV.TRIG 1), the envelope will rise to 5V over a half a second and then decay back to zero over two seconds. The curve used is 2, which covers 0V-5V.

If a curve is too small for the range being covered, values above the range will be limited to the range’s ceiling. In the above example, voltages above 5V will all return as 5V.

To calibrate your TXo outputs, follow these steps. Before you start, let your expander warm up for a few minutes. It won’t take long - but you want to make sure that it is calibrated at a more representative temperature.

Then, first adjust your offset (CV.OFF) until the output is at zero volts (0). For example:

<br/>CV.OFF 1 8<br/>

Once that output measures at zero volts, you want to lock it in as the calibration by calling the following operator:

<br/>CV.CALIB 1<br/>

You will find that the offset is now zero, but the output is at the value that you targeted during your prior adjustment. To reset to normal (and forget this calibration offset), use the TO.CV.RESET command.

TO.CV.RESET x - - Clears the calibration offset for output x.
TO.OSC x y - - Setting an OSC frequency greater than zero for a CV output will start that output oscillating. It will swing its voltage between to the current CV value and its polar opposite. For example:

<br/>TO.CV 1 V 5<br/>TO.OSC 1 N 69<br/>

This will emit the audio-rate note A (at 440Hz) swinging from ‘+5V’ to ‘-5V’. The CV value acts as an amplitude control. For example:

<br/>TO.CV.SLEW.M 1 1<br/>TO.CV 1 V 10<br/>

This will cause the oscillations to gradually increase in amplitude from 5V to 10V over a period of one minute.

IMPORANT: if you do not set a CV value, the oscillator will not emit a signal.

If you want to go back to regular CV behavior, you need to set the oscillation frequency to zero. E.g. TO.OSC 1 0. You can also initialize the CV output with TO.CV.INIT 1, which resets all of its settings back to start-up default.

TO.OSC.SET x y - - set oscillation for CV output x to y (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); y is 1v/oct translated from the standard range (1-16384); a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.QT x y - - targets oscillation for CV output x to y with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; y is 1v/oct translated from the standard range (1-16384) and quantized to current OSC.SCALE; a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.QT.SET x y - - set oscillation for CV output x to y (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); y is 1v/oct translated from the standard range (1-16384) and quantized to current OSC.SCALE; a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.N x y - - targets oscillation for CV output x to note y with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; see quantization scale reference for y; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.N.SET x y - - sets oscillation for CV output x to note y (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); see quantization scale reference for y; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.FQ x y - - targets oscillation for CV output x to frequency y with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; y is in Hz; a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.FQ.SET x y - - sets oscillation for CV output x to frequency y (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); y is in Hz; a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.LFO x y - - targets oscillation for CV output x to LFO frequency y with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; y is in mHz (millihertz: 10^-3 Hz); a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.LFO.SET x y - - sets oscillation for CV output x to LFO frequency y (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); y is in mHz (millihertz: 10^-3 Hz); a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.CYC x y - - targets the oscillator cycle length to y for CV output x with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; y is in milliseconds
TO.OSC.CYC.SET x y - - sets the oscillator cycle length to y for CV output x (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); y is in milliseconds
TO.OSC.CYC.S x y - - targets the oscillator cycle length to y for CV output x with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; y is in seconds
TO.OSC.CYC.S.SET x y - - sets the oscillator cycle length to y for CV output x (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); y is in seconds
TO.OSC.CYC.M x y - - targets the oscillator cycle length to y for CV output x with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; y is in minutes
TO.OSC.CYC.M.SET x y - - sets the oscillator cycle length to y for CV output x (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); y is in minutes
TO.OSC.SCALE x y - - ### Quantization Scales
0. Equal Temperament [DEFAULT]
1. 12-tone Pythagorean scale
2. Vallotti & Young scale (Vallotti version) also known as Tartini-Vallotti (1754)
3. Andreas Werckmeister’s temperament III (the most famous one, 1681)
4. Wendy Carlos’ Alpha scale with perfect fifth divided in nine
5. Wendy Carlos’ Beta scale with perfect fifth divided by eleven
6. Wendy Carlos’ Gamma scale with third divided by eleven or fifth by twenty
7. Carlos Harmonic & Ben Johnston’s scale of ‘Blues’ from Suite f.micr.piano (1977) & David Beardsley’s scale of ‘Science Friction’
8. Carlos Super Just
9. Kurzweil “Empirical Arabic”
10. Kurzweil “Just with natural b7th”, is Sauveur Just with 7/4
11. Kurzweil “Empirical Bali/Java Harmonic Pelog”
12. Kurzweil “Empirical Bali/Java Slendro, Siam 7”
13. Kurzweil “Empirical Tibetian Ceremonial”
14. Harry Partch’s 43-tone pure scale
15. Partch’s Indian Chromatic, Exposition of Monophony, 1933.
16. Partch Greek scales from “Two Studies on Ancient Greek Scales” on black/white
TO.OSC.WAVE x y - - set the waveform for output x to y; y values range 0-4500. There are 45 different waveforms, values translate to sine (0), triangle (100), saw (200), pulse (300) all the way to random/noise (4500); oscillator shape between values is a blend of the pure waveforms
TO.OSC.RECT x y - - The rectification command performs a couple of levels of rectification based on how you have it set. The following values for y work as follows:

* y = 2: “full-positive” - inverts negative values, making them positive
* y = 1: “half-positive” - omits all negative values (values below zero are set to zero)
* y = 0: no rectification (default)
* y = -1: “half-negative” - omits all positive values (values above zero are set to zero)
* y = -2: “full-negative” - inverts positive values, making them negative
TO.OSC.WIDTH x y - - sets the width of the pulse wave on output x to y; y is a percentage of total width (0 to 100); only affects waveform 3000
TO.OSC.SYNC x - - resets the phase of the oscillator on CV output x (relative to TO.OSC.PHASE)
TO.OSC.PHASE x y - - sets the phase offset of the oscillator on CV output x to y (0 to 16383); y is the range of one cycle
TO.OSC.SLEW x y - - This parameter acts as a frequency slew for the targeted CV output. It allows you to gradually slide from one frequency to another, creating a portamento like effect. It is also great for smoothing transitions between different LFO rates on the oscillator. For example:

<br/>TO.CV 1 V 5<br/>TO.OSC.SLEW 1 30000<br/>TO.OSC.LFO.SET 1 1000<br/>TO.OSC.LFO 1 100<br/>

This will start an LFO on CV 1 with a rate of 1000mHz. Then, over the next 30 seconds, it will gradually decrease in rate to 100mHz.
TO.OSC.SLEW.S x y - - sets the frequency slew time (portamento) for the oscillator on CV output x to y; y in seconds
TO.OSC.SLEW.M x y - - sets the frequency slew time (portamento) for the oscillator on CV output x to y; y in minutes
TO.OSC.CTR x y - - For example, to create a sine wave that is centered at 2.5V and swings up to +5V and down to 0V, you would do this:

<br/>TO.CV 1 VV 250<br/>TO.OSC.CTR 1 VV 250<br/>TO.OSC.LFO 1 500<br/>
TO.ENV.ACT x y - - This setting activates (1) or deactivates (0) the envelope generator on CV output y. The envelope generator is dependent on the current voltage setting for the output. Upon activation, the targeted output will go to zero. Then, when triggered (TO.ENV.TRIG), it will ramp the voltage from zero to the currently set peak voltage (TO.CV) over the attack time (TO.ENV.ATT) and then decay back to zero over the decay time (TO.ENV.DEC). For example:

<br/>TO.CV.SET 1 V 8<br/>TO.ENV.ACT 1 1<br/>TO.ENV.ATT.S 1 1<br/>TO.ENV.DEC.S 1 30<br/>

This will initialize the CV 1 output to have an envelope that will ramp to +8V over one second and decay back to zero over thirty seconds. To trigger the envelope, you need to send the trigger command TO.ENV.TRIG 1. Envelopes currently re-trigger from the start of the cycle.

To return your CV output to normal function, either deactivate the envelope (TO.ENV.ACT 1 0) or reinitialize the output (TO.CV.INIT 1).
TO.ENV x y - - This parameter essentially allows output x to act as a gate between the 0 and 1 state. Changing this value from 0 to 1 causes the envelope to trigger the attack phase and hold at the peak CV value; changing this value from 1 to 0 causes the decay stage of the envelope to be triggered.
TO.ENV.TRIG x - - triggers the envelope at CV output x to cycle; CV amplitude is used as the peak for the envelope and needs to be > 0 for the envelope to be perceivable
TO.ENV.ATT x y - - set the envelope attack time to y for CV output x; y in milliseconds (default 12 ms)
TO.ENV.ATT.S x y - - set the envelope attack time to y for CV output x; y in seconds
TO.ENV.ATT.M x y - - set the envelope attack time to y for CV output x; y in minutes
TO.ENV.DEC x y - - set the envelope decay time to y for CV output x; y in milliseconds (default 250 ms)
TO.ENV.DEC.S x y - - set the envelope decay time to y for CV output x; y in seconds
TO.ENV.DEC.M x y - - set the envelope decay time to y for CV output x; y in minutes
TO.ENV.EOR x n - - The most important thing to know with this operator is that you can only cause the EOR trigger to fire on the same device as the TXo with the envelope. For this command, the outputs are numbered LOCALLY to the unit with the envelope.

For example, if you have an envelope running on your second TXo, you can only send the EOR pulse to the four outputs on that device:

<br/>TO.ENV.EOR 5 1<br/>

This will cause the first output on TXo #2 (TO.TR 5) to pulse after the envelope’s attack segment.
TO.ENV.EOC x n - - The most important thing to know with this operator is that you can only cause the EOC trigger to fire on the same device as the TXo with the envelope. For this command, the outputs are numbered LOCALLY to the unit with the envelope.

For example, if you have an envelope running on your second TXo, you can only send the EOC pulse to the four outputs on that device:

<br/>TO.ENV.EOC 5 1<br/>

This will cause the first output on TXo #2 (TO.TR 5) to pulse after the envelope’s decay segment.
TO.ENV.LOOP x y - - causes the envelope on CV output x to loop for y times; a y of 0 will cause the envelope to loop infinitely; setting y to 1 (default) disables looping and (if currently looping) will cause it to finish its current cycle and cease
TO.TR.INIT x - - initializes TR output x back to the default boot settings and behaviors; neutralizes metronomes, dividers, pulse counters, etc.
TO.CV.INIT x - - initializes CV output x back to the default boot settings and behaviors; neutralizes offsets, slews, envelopes, oscillation, etc.
TO.INIT d - - initializes all of the TR and CV outputs for device number d (1-8)
TO.KILL d - - cancels all TR pulses and CV slews for device number d (1-8)


The Orthogonal Devices ER-301 Sound Computer is a voltage-controllable canvas for digital signal processing algorithms available from Orthogonal Devices. It can communicate with the Teletype to send up to 100 triggers and 100 CV values per device. Up to three devices are software-selectable and correlate to outputs up to 300.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
SC.TR x y - - Set trigger output for the ER-301 virtual output x to y (0-1)
SC.TR.POL x y - - Set polarity of trigger for the ER-301 virtual output x to y (0-1)
SC.TR.TIME x y - - Set the pulse time for the ER-301 virtual trigger x to y in ms
SC.TR.TOG x - - Flip the state for the ER-301 virtual trigger output x
SC.TR.PULSE x - SC.TR.P Pulse the ER-301 virtual trigger output x
SC.CV x y - - CV target value for the ER-301 virtual output x to value y
SC.CV.OFF x y - - CV offset added to the ER-301 virtual output x
SC.CV.SET x - - Set CV value for the ER-301 virtual output x
SC.CV.SLEW x y - - Set the CV slew time for the ER-301 virtual output x in ms


The 16n Faderbank is an open-source controller that can be polled by the Teletype to read the positions of its 16 sliders.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
FADER x - FB reads the value of the FADER slider x; default return range is from 0 to 16383
FADER.SCALE x y z - FB.S Set static scaling of the FADER x to between min and max.
FADER.CAL.MIN x - FB.C.MIN 1. Slide FADER x all the way down to the bottom
2. Execute FADER.CAL.MIN x from the live terminal
3. Call FADER x and confirm the 0 result
FADER.CAL.MAX x - FB.C.MAX 1. Slide FADER x all the way up to the top
2. Execute FADER.CAL.MAX x from the live terminal
3. Call FADER x and verify that the result is 16383
FADER.CAL.RESET x - FB.C.R Resets the calibration for FADER x


More extensively covered in the W/ Documentation.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
WS.PLAY x - - Set playback state and direction. 0 stops playback. 1 sets forward motion, while -1 plays in reverse
WS.REC x - - Set recording mode. 0 is playback only. 1 sets overdub mode for additive recording. -1 sets overwrite mode to replace the tape with your input
WS.CUE x - - Go to a cuepoint relative to the playhead position. 0 retriggers the current location. 1 jumps to the next cue forward. -1 jumps to the previous cue in the reverse. These actions are relative to playback direction such that 0 always retriggers the most recently passed location
WS.LOOP x - - Set the loop state on/off. 0 is off. Any other value turns loop on


The SSSR Labs SM010 Matrixarchate is a 16x8 IO Sequenceable Matrix Signal Router.

OP OP (set) Alias Description
MA.SELECT x - - select the default matrixarchate module, default 1
MA.STEP - - advance program sequencer
MA.RESET - - reset program sequencer
MA.PGM pgm - - select the current program (1-based)
MA.ON x y - - connect row x and column y in the current program (rows/columns are 0-based)
MA.PON pgm x y - - connect row x and column y in program pgm
MA.OFF x y - - disconnect row x and column y in the current program
MA.POFF x y pgm - - connect row x and column y in program pgm
MA.SET x y state - - set the connection at row x and column y to state (1 - on, 0 - off)
MA.PSET pgm x y state - - set the connection at row x and column y in program pgm to state (1 - on, 0 - off)
MA.COL col MA.COL col value - get or set column col (as a 16 bit unsigned value where each bit represents a connection)
MA.PCOL pgm col MA.PCOL pgm col value - get or set column col in program pgm
MA.ROW row MA.ROW row value - get or set row row
MA.PROW pgm row MA.PROW pgm row value - get or set row row in program pgm
MA.CLR - - clear all connections
MA.PCLR pgm - - clear all connections in program pgm


Teletype terminology

Here is a picture to help understand the naming of the various parts of a Teletype command:

Teletype command terminology

The entire command, e.g. IF X: Y 1; Z 2;.


The (optional) part before the PRE SEP, e.g. IF X.


The part after the PRE SEP, e.g. Y 1; Z 2.


A sub command (only allowed in the POST), e.g. Y 1, or Z 2.


A colon, only one is allowed.


A semi-colon, that separates sub commands (if used), only allowed in the POST.


A number between −32768 and 32767.


An operator, e.g. X, TR.PULSE


A modifier, e.g. IF, or L.

Sub commands

Sub commands allow you to run multiple commands on a single line by utilising a semi-colon to separate each command, for example the following script:

X 0
                Y 1
                Z 2

Can be rewritten using sub commands as:

X 0; Y 1; Z 2

On their own sub commands allow for an increased command density on the Teletype. However when combined with PRE statements, certain operations become a lot easier.

Firstly, sub commands cannot be used before a MOD or in the PRE itself. For example, the following is not allowed:


We can use them in the POST though, particularly with an IF, for example:

IF X: CV 1 N 60; TR.P 1
                IF Y: TR.P 1; TR.P 2; TR.P 3

Sub commands can also be used with L.


In general, aliases are a simple concept to understand. Certain OPs have been given shorted names to save space and the amount of typing, for example:


Can be replaced with:

TR.P 1

Where confusion may arise is with the symbolic aliases that have been given to some of the maths OPs. For instance + is given as an alias for ADD and it must be used as a direct replacement:

X ADD 1 1
                X + 1 1

The key to understanding this is that the Teletype uses prefix notation1 always, even when using mathematical symbols.

The following example (using infix notation) will not work:

X 1 + 1

Aliases are entirely optional, most OPs do not have aliases. Consult the OP tables and documentation to find them.

Avoiding non-determinism

Although happy accidents in the modular world are one of it’s many joys, when writing computer programs they can be incredibly frustrating. Here are some small tips to help keep things predictable (when you want them to be):

  1. Don’t use variables unless you need to.

    This is not to say that variables are not useful, rather it’s the opposite and they are extremely powerful. But it can be hard to keep a track of what each variable is used for and on which script it is used. Rather, try to save using variables for when you do want non-deterministic (i.e. variable) behaviour.

  2. Consider using I as a temporary variable.

    If you do find yourself needing a variable, particularly one that is used to continue a calculation on another line, consider using the variable I. Unlike the other variables, I is overwritten whenever L is used, and as such, is implicitly transient in nature. One should never need to worry about modifying the value of I and causing another script to malfunction, as no script should ever assume the value of I.

  3. Use PN versions of OPs.

    Most P OPs are now available as PN versions that ignore the value of P.I. (e.g. PN.START for P.START). Unless you explicitly require the non-determinism of P versions, stick to the PN versions (space allowing).

  4. Avoid using A, B, C and D to refer to the trigger outputs, instead use the numerical values directly.

    As A-D are variables, they may no longer contain the values 1-4, and while this was the recommend way to name triggers, it is no longer consider ideal. Newer versions of the Teletype hardware have replaced the labels on the trigger outputs, with the numbers 1 to 4.

Grid integration

Grid integration can be described very simply: it allows you to use grid with teletype. However, there is more to it than just that. You can create custom grid interfaces that can be tailored individually for each scene. Since it’s done with scripts you can dynamically change these interfaces at any point - you could even create a dynamic interface that reacts to the scene itself or incoming triggers or control voltages.

You can simply use grid as an LED display to visualize your scene. Or make it into an earthsea style keyboard. You can create sequencers, or control surfaces to control other sequencers. The grid operators simplify building very complex interfaces, while something simple like a bank of faders can be done with just two lines of scripts.

Grid integration consists of 3 main features: grid operators, Grid Visualizer, and Grid Control mode. Grid operators allow you to draw on grid or create grid controls, such as buttons and faders, that can trigger scripts when pressed. As with any other operators you can execute them in Live screen or use them in any of your scripts.

Grid Visualizer provides a virtual grid within the Teletype itself:

Grid Visualizer

It can be very useful while developing a script as you don’t have to switch between the grid and the keyboard as often. To turn it on navigate to Live screen and press Alt-G (press again to switch to Full View / turn it off). You can also emulate button presses, which means it can even be used as an alternative to grid if you don’t have one, especially in full mode - try it with one of the many grid scenes already developed. For more information on how to use it please refer to the Grid Visualizer documentation.

Grid Control Mode is a built in grid interface that allows you to use grid to trigger and mute scripts, edit variables and tracker values, save and load scenes, and more. It’s available in addition to whatever grid interface you develop - simply press the front panel button while the grid is attached. It can serve as a simple way to use grid to control any scene even without using grid ops, but it can also be very helpful when used together with a scripted grid interface. For more information and diagrams please refer to the Grid Control documentation,

If you do want to try and build your own grid interfaces the Grid Studies is the best place to start.

Alphabetical list of OPs and MODs

OP includes set notation and aliases Description
& x y bitwise and x & y
? x y z if condition x is true return y, otherwise return z
@ x
get or set the current pattern value under the turtle
get whether the turtle fence mode is BOUNCE, or set it to BOUNCE with 1
get whether the turtle fence mode is BUMP, or set it to BUMP with 1
@DIR x
get the direction of the turtle’s @STEP in degrees or set it to x
@F x1 y1 x2 y2 set the turtle’s fence to corners x1,y1 and x2,y2
@FX1 x
get the left fence line or set it to x
@FX2 x
get the right fence line or set it to x
@FY1 x
get the top fence line or set it to x
@FY2 x
get the bottom fence line or set it to x
@MOVE x y move the turtle x cells in the X axis and y cells in the Y axis
get which script runs when the turtle changes cells, or set it to x
@SHOW 0/1
get whether the turtle is displayed on the TRACKER screen, or turn it on or off
get the speed of the turtle’s @STEP in cells per step or set it to x
@STEP move @SPEED/100 cells forward in @DIR, triggering @SCRIPT on cell change
get whether the turtle fence mode is WRAP, or set it to WRAP with 1
@X x
get the turtle X coordinate, or set it to x
@Y x
get the turtle Y coordinate, or set it to x
A x
get / set the variable A, default 1
ABS x absolute value of x
ADD x y
add x and y together
AND x y
logical AND of x and y
ANS.A n d
send arc encoder event for ring n, delta d
ANS.A.LED n x read arc LED buffer for ring n, LED x clockwise from north
get/set active app
ANS.G x y
ANS.G x y z
get/set grid key on/off state (z) at position x, y
ANS.G.LED x y get grid LED buffer at position x, y
ANS.G.P x y simulate grid key press at position (x, y)
ARP.DIV v d set voice clock divisor (euclidean length), range [1-32]
ARP.ER v f d r set all euclidean rhythm
ARP.FIL v f set voice euclidean fill, use 1 for straight clock division, range [1-32]
ARP.GT v g set voice gate length [0-127], scaled/synced to course divisions of voice clock
ARP.HLD h 0 disables key hold mode, other values enable
ARP.RES v reset voice clock/pattern on next base clock tick
ARP.ROT v r set voice euclidean rotation, range [-32, 32]
ARP.RPT v n s set voice pattern repeat, n times [0-8], shifted by s semitones [-24, 24]
ARP.SHIFT v o shift voice cv by standard tt pitch value (e.g. N 6, V -1, etc)
ARP.SLEW v t set voice slew time in ms
ARP.STY y set base arp style [0-7]
AVG x y the average of x and y
B x
get / set the variable B, default 2
BCLR x y clear bit y in value x
BGET x y get bit y in value x
BPM x milliseconds per beat in BPM x
halts execution of the current script
BSET x y set bit y in value x
C x
get / set the variable C, default 3
CHAOS x get next value from chaos generator, or set the current value
CHAOS.ALG x get or set the algorithm for the CHAOS generator. 0 = LOGISTIC, 1 = CUBIC, 2 = HENON, 3 = CELLULAR
CHAOS.R x get or set the R parameter for the CHAOS generator
CV x
CV x y
CV target value
CV.OFF x y
CV offset added to output
CV.SET x Set CV value
Get/set the CV slew time in ms
CY.CV x get the current CV value for channel x
CY.POS x y
get / set position of channel x (x = 0 to set all), position between 0-255
return current preset / load preset x
CY.RES x reset channel x (0 = all)
CY.REV x reverse channel x (0 = all)
D x
get / set the variable D, default 4
DEL x: ... Delay command by x ms
DEL.CLR Clear the delay buffer
DEL.G x delay_time num denom: ... Trigger the command once immediately and x - 1 times at ms intervals of delay_time * (num/denom)^n where n ranges from 0 to x - 1.
DEL.R x delay_time: ... Trigger the command following the colon once immediately, and delay x - 1 commands at delay_time ms intervals
DEL.X x delay_time: ... Delay x commands at delay_time ms intervals
DEVICE.FLIP Flip the screen/inputs/outputs
DIV x y
divide x by y
changes by -1, 0, or 1 upon each read saving its state, setting will give it a new value for the next read
set the upper bound for DRUNK, default 255
set the lower bound for DRUNK, default 0
get / set the random number generator seed for the DRUNK op
should DRUNK wrap around when it reaches it’s bounds, default 0
ELIF x: ... if all previous IF / ELIF fail, and x is not zero, execute command
ELSE: ... if all previous IF / ELIF fail, excute command
EQ x y
does x equal y
ER f l i Euclidean rhythm, f is fill (1-32), l is length (1-32) and i is step (any value), returns 0 or 1
ES.CLOCK x If II clocked, next pattern event
ES.MAGIC x Magic shape (1= halfspeed, 2=doublespeed, 3=linearize)
ES.MODE x Set pattern clock mode. (0=normal, 1=II clock)
ES.PATTERN x Select playing pattern (0-15)
ES.PRESET x Recall preset x (0-7)
ES.RESET x Reset pattern to start (and start playing)
ES.STOP x Stop pattern playback.
ES.TRANS x Transpose the current pattern
ES.TRIPLE x Recall triple shape (1-4)
EVERY x: ... run the command every x times the command is called
EXP x exponentiation table lookup. 0-16383 range (V 0-10)
EZ x
x is 0, equivalent to logical NOT
reads the value of the FADER slider x; default return range is from 0 to 16383
Reads FADER x maximum position and assigns the maximum point
Reads FADER x minimum position and assigns a zero value
Resets the calibration for FADER x
Set static scaling of the FADER x to between min and max.
returns inverted state (0 or 1) on each read (also settable)
G.BTN id x y w h type level script initialize button
G.BTN.EN id x
enable/disable button or check if enabled
G.BTN.L id
G.BTN.L id level
get/set button level
G.BTN.PR id action emulate button press/release
G.BTN.SW id switch button
G.BTN.V id
G.BTN.V id value
get/set button value
G.BTN.X id
G.BTN.X id x
get/set button x coordinate
G.BTN.Y id
G.BTN.Y id y
get/set button y coordinate
G.BTNI id of last pressed button
G.BTNL level
get/set level of last pressed button
G.BTNV value
get/set value of last pressed button
get/set x of last pressed button
get/set y of last pressed button
G.BTX id x y w h type level script columns rows initialize multiple buttons
G.CLR clear all LEDs
G.DIM level set dim level
G.FDR id x y w h type level script initialize fader
G.FDR.EN id x
enable/disable fader or check if enabled
G.FDR.L id
G.FDR.L id level
get/set fader level
G.FDR.N id
G.FDR.N id value
get/set fader value
G.FDR.PR id value emulate fader press
G.FDR.V id
G.FDR.V id value
get/set scaled fader value
G.FDR.X id
G.FDR.X id x
get/set fader x coordinate
G.FDR.Y id
G.FDR.Y id y
get/set fader y coordinate
G.FDRI id of last pressed fader
G.FDRL level
get/set level of last pressed fader
G.FDRN value
get/set value of last pressed fader
G.FDRV value
get/set scaled value of last pressed fader
get/set x of last pressed fader
get/set y of last pressed fader
G.FDX id x y w h type level script columns rows initialize multiple faders
G.GBT group id x y w h type level script initialize button in group
G.GBTN.C group get count of currently pressed
G.GBTN.H group get button block height
G.GBTN.I group index get id of pressed button
G.GBTN.L group odd_level even_level set level for group buttons
G.GBTN.V group value set value for group buttons
G.GBTN.W group get button block width
G.GBTN.X1 group get leftmost pressed x
G.GBTN.X2 group get rightmost pressed x
G.GBTN.Y1 group get highest pressed y
G.GBTN.Y2 group get lowest pressed y
G.GBX group id x y w h type level script columns rows initialize multiple buttons in group
G.GFD grp id x y w h type level script initialize fader in group
G.GFDR.L group odd_level even_level set level for group faders
G.GFDR.N group value set value for group faders
G.GFDR.RN group min max set range for group faders
G.GFDR.V group value set scaled value for group faders
G.GFX group id x y w h type level script columns rows initialize multiple faders in group
G.GRP id
get/set current group
G.GRP.EN id x
enable/disable group or check if enabled
G.GRP.RST id reset all group controls
G.GRP.SC id script
get/set group script
G.GRP.SW id switch groups
G.GRPI get last group
G.KEY x y action emulate grid press
G.LED x y
G.LED x y level
get/set LED
G.LED.C x y clear LED
G.RCT x1 y1 x2 y2 fill border draw rectangle
G.REC x y w h fill border draw rectangle
G.ROTATE x set grid rotation
G.RST full grid reset
GT x y
x is greater than y
GTE x y
x is greater than or equal to y
I x
get / set the variable I
IF x: ... if x is not zero execute command
IN Get the value of IN jack (0-16383)
IN.CAL.MAX Reads the input CV and assigns the voltage to the max point
IN.CAL.MIN Reads the input CV and assigns the voltage to the zero point
IN.CAL.RESET Resets the input CV calibration
IN.SCALE min max Set static scaling of the IN CV to between min and max.
INIT clears all state data
INIT.CV x clears all parameters on CV associated with output x
INIT.CV.ALL clears all parameters on all CV’s
INIT.DATA clears all data held in all variables
INIT.P x clears pattern associated with pattern number x
INIT.P.ALL clears all patterns
INIT.SCENE loads a blank scene
INIT.SCRIPT x clear script number x
INIT.SCRIPT.ALL clear all scripts
INIT.TIME x clear time on trigger x
INIT.TR x clear all parameters on trigger associated with TR x
INIT.TR.ALL clear all triggers
J x
get / set the variable J
JF.GOD x Redefines C3 to align with the ‘God’ note. x = 0 sets A to 440, x = 1 sets A to 432.
JF.MODE x Set the current choice of standard functionality, or Just Type alternate modes. You’ll likely want to put JF.MODE x in your Teletype INIT scripts. x = nonzero activates alternative modes. 0 restores normal.
JF.NOTE x y Polyphonically allocated note sequencing. Works as JF.VOX with chan selected automatically. Free voices will be taken first. If all voices are busy, will steal from the voice which has been active the longest. x = pitch relative to C3, y = velocity.
JF.QT x When non-zero, all events are queued & delayed until the next quantize event occurs. Using values that don’t align with the division of rhythmic streams will cause irregular patterns to unfold. Set to 0 to deactivate quantization. x = division, 0 deactivates quantization, 1 to 32 sets the subdivision & activates quantization.
JF.RMODE x Set the RUN state of Just Friends when no physical jack is present. (0 = run off, non-zero = run on)
JF.RUN x Send a ‘voltage’ to the RUN input. Requires JF.RMODE 1 to have been executed, or a physical cable in JF’s input. Thus Just Friend’s RUN modes are accessible without needing a physical cable & control voltage to set the RUN parameter. use JF.RUN V x to set to x volts. The expected range is V -5 to V 5
JF.SHIFT x Shifts the transposition of Just Friends, regardless of speed setting. Shifting by V 1 doubles the frequency in sound, or doubles the rate in shape. x = pitch, use N x for semitones, or V y for octaves.
JF.TICK x Sets the underlying timebase of the Geode. x = clock. 0 resets the timebase to the start of measure. 1 to 48 shall be sent repetitively. The value representing ticks per measure. 49 to 255 sets beats-per-minute and resets the timebase to start of measure.
JF.TR x y Simulate a TRIGGER input. x is channel (0 = all) and y is state (0 or 1)
JF.TUNE x y z Adjust the tuning ratios used by the INTONE control. x = channel, y = numerator (set the multiplier for the tuning ratio), z = denominator (set the divisor for the tuning ratio).
JF.VOX x y z Create a note at the specified channel, of the defined pitch & velocity. All channels can be set simultaneously with a chan value of 0. x = channel, y = pitch relative to C3, z = velocity (like JF.VTR).
JF.VTR x y Like JF.TR with added volume control. Velocity is scaled with volts, so try V 5 for an output trigger of 5 volts. Channels remember their latest velocity setting and apply it regardless of TRIGGER origin (digital or physical). x = channel, 0 sets all channels. y = velocity, amplitude of output in volts. eg JF.VTR 1 V 4.
JI x y just intonation helper, precision ratio divider normalised to 1V
K x
get / set the variable K
KILL clears stack, clears delays, cancels pulses, cancels slews, disables metronome
KR.CLK x advance the clock for channel x (channel must have teletype clocking enabled)
get/set the cued pattern
KR.CV x get the current CV value for channel x
get/set the step direction
KR.DUR x get the current duration value for channel x
KR.L.LEN x y
KR.L.LEN x y z
get length of track x, parameter y / set to z
KR.L.ST x y
KR.L.ST x y z
get loop start for track x, parameter y / set to z
get/set mute state for channel x (1 = muted, 0 = unmuted)
get/set current pattern
get/set internal clock period
get/set the active page
KR.POS x y
KR.POS x y z
get/set position z for track z, parameter y
return current preset / load preset x
KR.RES x y reset position to loop start for track x, parameter y
get/set current scale
KR.TMUTE x toggle mute state for channel x
L x y: ... run the command sequentially with I values from x to y
LAST x get value in milliseconds since last script run time
LIM x y z limit the value x to the range y to z inclusive
LROT x y
circular left shift x by y bits, wrapping around when bits fall off the end
LSH x y
left shift x by y bits, in effect multiply x by 2 to the power of y
LT x y
x is less than y
LTE x y
x is less than or equal to y
LV.CV x get the current CV value for channel x
get/set loop direction
get/set loop length
get/set loop start
get/set current position
return current preset / load preset x
LV.RES x reset, 0 for soft reset (on next ext. clock), 1 for hard reset
M x
get/set metronome interval to x (in ms), default 1000, minimum value 25
M! x
get/set metronome to experimental interval x (in ms), minimum value 2
get/set metronome activation to x (0/1), default 1 (enabled)
M.RESET hard reset metronome count without triggering
MA.CLR clear all connections
MA.COL col
MA.COL col value
get or set column col (as a 16 bit unsigned value where each bit represents a connection)
MA.OFF x y disconnect row x and column y in the current program
MA.ON x y connect row x and column y in the current program (rows/columns are 0-based)
MA.PCLR pgm clear all connections in program pgm
MA.PCOL pgm col
MA.PCOL pgm col value
get or set column col in program pgm
MA.PGM pgm select the current program (1-based)
MA.POFF x y pgm connect row x and column y in program pgm
MA.PON pgm x y connect row x and column y in program pgm
MA.PROW pgm row
MA.PROW pgm row value
get or set row row in program pgm
MA.PSET pgm x y state set the connection at row x and column y in program pgm to state (1 - on, 0 - off)
MA.RESET reset program sequencer
MA.ROW row
MA.ROW row value
get or set row row
MA.SELECT x select the default matrixarchate module, default 1
MA.SET x y state set the connection at row x and column y to state (1 - on, 0 - off)
MA.STEP advance program sequencer
MAX x y return the maximum of x and y
ME.CV x get the current CV value for channel x
get/set internal clock period
return current preset / load preset x
ME.RES x reset channel x (0 = all), also used as “start”
get/set current scale
ME.STOP x stop channel x (0 = all)
MID.SHIFT o shift pitch CV by standard Teletype pitch value (e.g. N 6, V -1, etc)
MID.SLEW t set pitch slew time in ms (applies to all allocation styles except FIXED)
MIN x y return the minimum of x and y
MOD x y
find the remainder after division of x by y
MP.PRESET x set Meadowphysics to preset x (indexed from 0)
MP.RESET x reset countdown for channel x (0 = all, 1-8 = individual channels)
MP.STOP x reset channel x (0 = all, 1-8 = individual channels)
MUL x y
multiply x and y together
MUTE x y
Disable trigger input x
N x converts an equal temperament note number to a value usable by the CV outputs (x in the range -127 to 127)
N.C r c d Note Chord operator, r is the root note (0-127), c is the chord (0-12) and d is the degree (0-3), returns a value from the N table.
N.CS r s d c Note Chord Scale operator, r is the root note (0-127), s is the scale (0-8), d is the scale degree (0-6) and c is the chord degree (0-3), returns a value from the N table.
N.S r s d Note Scale operator, r is the root note (0-127), s is the scale (0-8) and d is the degree (0-6), returns a value from the N table.
NE x y
!= , XOR
x is not equal to y
NR p m f s Numeric Repeater, p is prime pattern (0-31), m is & mask (0-3), f is variation factor (0-16) and s is step (0-15), returns 0 or 1
NZ x x is not 0
O x
auto-increments after each access, can be set, starting value 0
how much to increment O by on each invocation, default 1
the upper bound for O, default 63
the lower bound for O, default 0
should O wrap when it reaches its bounds, default 1
OR x y
logical OR of x and y
OR.BANK x Select preset bank x (1-8)
OR.CLK x Advance track x (1-4)
OR.CVA x Select tracks for CV A where x is a binary number representing the tracks
OR.CVB x Select tracks for CV B where x is a binary number representing the tracks
OR.DIV x Set divisor for selected track to x (1-16)
OR.GRST x Global reset (x can be any value)
OR.MUTE x Mute trigger selected by OR.TRK (0 = on, 1 = mute)
OR.PHASE x Set phase for selected track to x (0-16)
OR.PRESET x Select preset x (1-8)
OR.RELOAD x Reload preset or bank (0 - current preset, 1 - current bank, 2 - all banks)
OR.ROTS x Rotate scales by x (1-15)
OR.ROTW x Rotate weights by x (1-3)
OR.RST x Reset track x (1-4)
OR.SCALE x Select scale x (1-16)
OR.TRK x Choose track x (1-4) to be used by OR.DIV, OR.PHASE, OR.WGT or OR.MUTE
OR.WGT x Set weight for selected track to x (1-8)
OTHER: ... runs the command when the previous EVERY/SKIP did not run its command.
P x
P x y
get/set the value of the working pattern at index x
P.+ x y increase the value of the working pattern at index x by y
P.+W x y a b increase the value of the working pattern at index x by y and wrap it to a..b range
P.- x y decrease the value of the working pattern at index x by y
P.-W x y a b decrease the value of the working pattern at index x by y and wrap it to a..b range
get/set the end location of the working pattern, default 63
get/set value at current index of working pattern
P.I x
get/set index position for the working pattern.
P.INS x y insert value y at index x of working pattern, shift later values down, destructive to loop length
P.L x
get/set pattern length of the working pattern, non-destructive to data
P.MAP: ... apply the ‘function’ to each value in the active pattern, I takes each pattern value
P.MAX find the first maximum value in the pattern between the START and END for the working pattern and return its index
P.MIN find the first minimum value in the pattern between the START and END for the working pattern and return its index
P.N x
get/set the pattern number for the working pattern, default 0
increment index of working pattern then get/set value
P.POP return and remove the value from the end of the working pattern (like a stack), destructive to loop length
decrement index of working pattern then get/set value
P.PUSH x insert value x to the end of the working pattern (like a stack), destructive to loop length
P.REV reverse the values in the active pattern (between its START and END)
P.RM x delete index x of working pattern, shift later values up, destructive to loop length
P.RND return a value randomly selected between the start and the end position
P.ROT n rotate the values in the active pattern n steps (between its START and END, negative rotates backward)
get / set the random number generator seed for the P.RND and PN.RND ops
P.SHUF shuffle the values in active pattern (between its START and END)
get/set the start location of the working pattern, default 0
when the working pattern reaches its bounds does it wrap (0/1), default 1 (enabled)
Get the value of PARAM knob (0-16383)
PARAM.CAL.MAX Reads the Parameter Knob maximum position and assigns the maximum point
PARAM.CAL.MIN Reads the Parameter Knob minimum position and assigns a zero value
PARAM.CAL.RESET Resets the Parameter Knob calibration
PARAM.SCALE min max Set static scaling of the PARAM knob to between min and max.
PN x y
PN x y z
get/set the value of pattern x at index y
PN.+ x y z increase the value of pattern x at index y by z
PN.+W x y z a b increase the value of pattern x at index y by z and wrap it to a..b range
PN.- x y z decrease the value of pattern x at index y by z
PN.-W x y z a b decrease the value of pattern x at index y by z and wrap it to a..b range
PN.END x y
get/set the end location of the pattern x, default 63
get/set value at current index of pattern x
PN.I x
PN.I x y
get/set index position for pattern x
PN.INS x y z insert value z at index y of pattern x, shift later values down, destructive to loop length
PN.L x
PN.L x y
get/set pattern length of pattern x. non-destructive to data
PN.MAP x: ... apply the ‘function’ to each value in pattern x, I takes each pattern value
PN.MAX x find the first maximum value in the pattern between the START and END for pattern x and return its index
PN.MIN x find the first minimum value in the pattern between the START and END for pattern x and return its index
increment index of pattern x then get/set value
PN.POP x return and remove the value from the end of pattern x (like a stack), destructive to loop length
decrement index of pattern x then get/set value
PN.PUSH x y insert value y to the end of pattern x (like a stack), destructive to loop length
PN.REV x reverse the values in pattern x
PN.RM x y delete index y of pattern x, shift later values up, destructive to loop length
PN.RND x return a value randomly selected between the start and the end position of pattern x
PN.ROT x n rotate the values in pattern x (between its START and END, negative rotates backward)
PN.SHUF x shuffle the values in pattern x (between its START and END)
get/set the start location of pattern x, default 0
when pattern x reaches its bounds does it wrap (0/1), default 1 (enabled)
PROB x: ... potentially execute command with probability x (0-100)
get / set the random number generator seed for the PROB mod
Q x
Modify the queue entries
Return the average of the queue
Q.N x
The queue length
QT x y round x to the closest multiple of y (quantise)
R generate a random number
R.MAX x set the upper end of the range from 0 – 32767
R.MIN x set the lower end of the range from 0 – 32767
generate a random number between 0 and x inclusive
get / set the random number generator seed for R, RRAND, and RAND ops
generate a random number between x and y inclusive
RROT x y
circular right shift x by y bits, wrapping around when bits fall off the end
RSH x y
right shift x by y bits, in effect divide x by 2 to the power of y
S: ... Place a command onto the stack
S.ALL Execute all entries in the stack
S.CLR Clear all entries in the stack
S.L Get the length of the stack
S.POP Execute the most recent entry
SC.CV x y CV target value for the ER-301 virtual output x to value y
SC.CV.OFF x y CV offset added to the ER-301 virtual output x
SC.CV.SET x Set CV value for the ER-301 virtual output x
SC.CV.SLEW x y Set the CV slew time for the ER-301 virtual output x in ms
SC.TR x y Set trigger output for the ER-301 virtual output x to y (0-1)
SC.TR.POL x y Set polarity of trigger for the ER-301 virtual output x to y (0-1)
Pulse the ER-301 virtual trigger output x
SC.TR.TIME x y Set the pulse time for the ER-301 virtual trigger x to y in ms
SC.TR.TOG x Flip the state for the ER-301 virtual trigger output x
SCALE a b x y i
scale i from range a to b to range x to y, i.e. i * (y - x) / (b - a)
get the current scene number, or load scene x (0-31)
SCENE.G x load scene x (0-31) without loading grid control states
get current script number, or execute script x (1-10), recursion allowed
get script x trigger polarity, or set polarity p (1 rising edge, 2 falling, 3 both)
get / set the random number generator seed for all SEED ops
SGN x sign function: 1 for positive, -1 for negative, 0 for 0
SKIP x: ... run the command every time except the xth time.
STATE x Read the current state of input x
SUB x y
subtract y from x
SYNC x synchronizes all EVERY and SKIP counters to offset x.
T x
get / set the variable T, typically used for time, default 0
TI.IN x reads the value of IN jack x; default return range is from -16384 to 16383 - representing -10V to +10V; return range can be altered by the TI.IN.MAP command
TI.IN.CALIB x y calibrates the scaling for IN jack x; y of -1 sets the -10V point; y of 0 sets the 0V point; y of 1 sets the +10V point
TI.IN.INIT x initializes IN jack x back to the default boot settings and behaviors; neutralizes mapping (but not calibration)
TI.IN.MAP x y z maps the IN values for input jack x across the range y - z (default range is -16384 to 16383 - representing -10V to +10V)
TI.IN.N x return the quantized note number for IN jack x using the scale set by TI.IN.SCALE
TI.IN.QT x return the quantized value for IN jack x using the scale set by TI.IN.SCALE; default return range is from -16384 to 16383 - representing -10V to +10V
TI.IN.SCALE x select scale # y for IN jack x; scales listed in full description
TI.INIT d initializes all of the PARAM and IN inputs for device number d (1-8)
reads the value of PARAM knob x; default return range is from 0 to 16383; return range can be altered by the TI.PARAM.MAP command
calibrates the scaling for PARAM knob x; y of 0 sets the bottom bound; y of 1 sets the top bound
initializes PARAM knob x back to the default boot settings and behaviors; neutralizes mapping (but not calibration)
maps the PARAM values for input x across the range y - z (defaults 0-16383)
return the quantized note number for PARAM knob x using the scale set by TI.PARAM.SCALE
return the quantized value for PARAM knob x using the scale set by TI.PARAM.SCALE; default return range is from 0 to 16383
select scale # y for PARAM knob x; scales listed in full description
TI.RESET d resets the calibration data for TXi number d (1-8) to its factory defaults (no calibration)
TI.STORE d stores the calibration data for TXi number d (1-8) to its internal flash memory
timer value, counts up in ms., wraps after 32s, can be set
enable or disable timer counting, default 1
TO.CV x CV target output x; y values are bipolar (-16384 to +16383) and map to -10 to +10
TO.CV.CALIB x Locks the current offset (CV.OFF) as a calibration offset and saves it to persist between power cycles for output x.
TO.CV.INIT x initializes CV output x back to the default boot settings and behaviors; neutralizes offsets, slews, envelopes, oscillation, etc.
TO.CV.LOG x y translates the output for CV output x to logarithmic mode y; y defaults to 0 (off); mode 1 is for 0-16384 (0V-10V), mode 2 is for 0-8192 (0V-5V), mode 3 is for 0-4096 (0V-2.5V), etc.
TO.CV.N x y target the CV to note y for output x; y is indexed in the output’s current CV.SCALE
TO.CV.N.SET x y set the CV to note y for output x; y is indexed in the output’s current CV.SCALE (ignoring SLEW)
TO.CV.OFF x y set the CV offset for output x; y values are added at the final stage
TO.CV.QT x y CV target output x; y is quantized to output’s current CV.SCALE
TO.CV.QT.SET x y set the CV for output x (ignoring SLEW); y is quantized to output’s current CV.SCALE
TO.CV.RESET x Clears the calibration offset for output x.
TO.CV.SCALE x y select scale # y for CV output x; scales listed in full description
TO.CV.SET x y set the CV for output x (ignoring SLEW); y values are bipolar (-16384 to +16383) and map to -10 to +10
TO.CV.SLEW x y set the slew amount for output x; y in milliseconds
TO.CV.SLEW.M x y set the slew amount for output x; y in minutes
TO.CV.SLEW.S x y set the slew amount for output x; y in seconds
TO.ENV x y This parameter essentially allows output x to act as a gate between the 0 and 1 state. Changing this value from 0 to 1 causes the envelope to trigger the attack phase and hold at the peak CV value; changing this value from 1 to 0 causes the decay stage of the envelope to be triggered.
TO.ENV.ACT x y activates/deactivates the AD envelope generator for the CV output x; y turns the envelope generator off (0 - default) or on (1); CV amplitude is used as the peak for the envelope and needs to be > 0 for the envelope to be perceivable
TO.ENV.ATT x y set the envelope attack time to y for CV output x; y in milliseconds (default 12 ms)
TO.ENV.ATT.M x y set the envelope attack time to y for CV output x; y in minutes
TO.ENV.ATT.S x y set the envelope attack time to y for CV output x; y in seconds
TO.ENV.DEC x y set the envelope decay time to y for CV output x; y in milliseconds (default 250 ms)
TO.ENV.DEC.M x y set the envelope decay time to y for CV output x; y in minutes
TO.ENV.DEC.S x y set the envelope decay time to y for CV output x; y in seconds
TO.ENV.EOC x n fires a PULSE at the End of Cycle to the unit-local trigger output ‘n’ for the envelope on CV output x; n refers to trigger output 1-4 on the same TXo as CV output ‘y’
TO.ENV.EOR x n fires a PULSE at the End of Rise to the unit-local trigger output ‘n’ for the envelope on CV output x; n refers to trigger output 1-4 on the same TXo as CV output ‘y’
TO.ENV.LOOP x y causes the envelope on CV output x to loop for y times; a y of 0 will cause the envelope to loop infinitely; setting y to 1 (default) disables looping and (if currently looping) will cause it to finish its current cycle and cease
TO.ENV.TRIG x triggers the envelope at CV output x to cycle; CV amplitude is used as the peak for the envelope and needs to be > 0 for the envelope to be perceivable
TO.INIT d initializes all of the TR and CV outputs for device number d (1-8)
TO.KILL d cancels all TR pulses and CV slews for device number d (1-8)
TO.M d y sets the 4 independent metronome intervals for device d (1-8) to y in milliseconds; default 1000
TO.M.ACT d y sets the active status for the 4 independent metronomes on device d (1-8) to y (0/1); default 0 (disabled)
TO.M.BPM d y sets the 4 independent metronome intervals for device d to y in Beats Per Minute
TO.M.COUNT d y sets the number of repeats before deactivating for the 4 metronomes on device d to y; default 0 (infinity)
TO.M.M d y sets the 4 independent metronome intervals for device d to y in minutes
TO.M.S d y sets the 4 independent metronome intervals for device d to y in seconds; default 1
TO.M.SYNC d synchronizes the 4 metronomes for device number d (1-8)
TO.OSC x y targets oscillation for CV output x to y with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; y is 1v/oct translated from the standard range (1-16384); a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.CTR x y centers the oscillation on CV output x to y; y values are bipolar (-16384 to +16383) and map to -10 to +10
TO.OSC.CYC x y targets the oscillator cycle length to y for CV output x with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; y is in milliseconds
TO.OSC.CYC.M x y targets the oscillator cycle length to y for CV output x with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; y is in minutes
TO.OSC.CYC.M.SET x y sets the oscillator cycle length to y for CV output x (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); y is in minutes
TO.OSC.CYC.S x y targets the oscillator cycle length to y for CV output x with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; y is in seconds
TO.OSC.CYC.S.SET x y sets the oscillator cycle length to y for CV output x (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); y is in seconds
TO.OSC.CYC.SET x y sets the oscillator cycle length to y for CV output x (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); y is in milliseconds
TO.OSC.FQ x y targets oscillation for CV output x to frequency y with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; y is in Hz; a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.FQ.SET x y sets oscillation for CV output x to frequency y (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); y is in Hz; a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.LFO x y targets oscillation for CV output x to LFO frequency y with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; y is in mHz (millihertz: 10^-3 Hz); a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.LFO.SET x y sets oscillation for CV output x to LFO frequency y (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); y is in mHz (millihertz: 10^-3 Hz); a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.N x y targets oscillation for CV output x to note y with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; see quantization scale reference for y; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.N.SET x y sets oscillation for CV output x to note y (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); see quantization scale reference for y; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.PHASE x y sets the phase offset of the oscillator on CV output x to y (0 to 16383); y is the range of one cycle
TO.OSC.QT x y targets oscillation for CV output x to y with the portamento rate determined by the TO.OSC.SLEW value; y is 1v/oct translated from the standard range (1-16384) and quantized to current OSC.SCALE; a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.QT.SET x y set oscillation for CV output x to y (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); y is 1v/oct translated from the standard range (1-16384) and quantized to current OSC.SCALE; a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.RECT x y rectifies the polarity of the oscillator for output x to y; range for y is -2 to 2; default is 0 (no rectification); 1 & -1 are partial rectification - omitting all values on the other side of the sign; 2 & -2 are full rectification - inverting values from the other pole
TO.OSC.SCALE x y select scale # y for CV output x; scales listed in full description
TO.OSC.SET x y set oscillation for CV output x to y (ignores CV.OSC.SLEW); y is 1v/oct translated from the standard range (1-16384); a value of 0 disables oscillation; CV amplitude is used as the peak for oscillation and needs to be > 0 for it to be perceivable
TO.OSC.SLEW x y sets the frequency slew time (portamento) for the oscillator on CV output x to y; y in milliseconds
TO.OSC.SLEW.M x y sets the frequency slew time (portamento) for the oscillator on CV output x to y; y in minutes
TO.OSC.SLEW.S x y sets the frequency slew time (portamento) for the oscillator on CV output x to y; y in seconds
TO.OSC.SYNC x resets the phase of the oscillator on CV output x (relative to TO.OSC.PHASE)
TO.OSC.WAVE x y set the waveform for output x to y; y values range 0-4500. There are 45 different waveforms, values translate to sine (0), triangle (100), saw (200), pulse (300) all the way to random/noise (4500); oscillator shape between values is a blend of the pure waveforms
TO.OSC.WIDTH x y sets the width of the pulse wave on output x to y; y is a percentage of total width (0 to 100); only affects waveform 3000
TO.TR x y sets the TR value for output x to y (0/1)
TO.TR.INIT x initializes TR output x back to the default boot settings and behaviors; neutralizes metronomes, dividers, pulse counters, etc.
TO.TR.M x y sets the independent metronome interval for output x to y in milliseconds; default 1000
TO.TR.M.ACT x y sets the active status for the independent metronome for output x to y (0/1); default 0 (disabled)
TO.TR.M.BPM x y sets the independent metronome interval for output x to y in Beats Per Minute
TO.TR.M.COUNT x y sets the number of repeats before deactivating for output x to y; default 0 (infinity)
TO.TR.M.M x y sets the independent metronome interval for output x to y in minutes
TO.TR.M.MUL x y multiplies the M rate on TR output x by y; y defaults to 1 - no multiplication
TO.TR.M.S x y sets the independent metronome interval for output x to y in seconds; default 1
TO.TR.M.SYNC x synchronizes the PULSE for metronome on TR output number x
TO.TR.POL x y sets the polarity for TR output n
pulses the TR value for output x for the duration set by TO.TR.TIME/S/M
sets the clock division factor for TR output x to y
mutes or un-mutes TR output x; y is 1 (mute) or 0 (un-mute)
TO.TR.TIME x y sets the time for TR.PULSE on output n; y in milliseconds
TO.TR.TIME.M x y sets the time for TR.PULSE on output n; y in minutes
TO.TR.TIME.S x y sets the time for TR.PULSE on output n; y in seconds
TO.TR.TOG x toggles the TR value for output x
TO.TR.WIDTH x y sets the time for TR.PULSE on output n based on the width of its current metronomic value; y in percentage (0-100)
TOSS randomly return 0 or 1
get / set the random number generator seed for the TOSS op
TR x
TR x y
Set trigger output x to y (0-1)
TR.POL x y
Set polarity of trigger output x to y (0-1)
Pulse trigger output x
Set the pulse time of trigger x to y ms
TR.TOG x Flip the state of trigger output x
V x converts a voltage to a value usable by the CV outputs (x between 0 and 10)
VV x converts a voltage to a value usable by the CV outputs (x between 0 and 1000, 100 represents 1V)
W x: ... run the command while condition x is true
WRAP x y z
limit the value x to the range y to z inclusive, but with wrapping
WS.CUE x Go to a cuepoint relative to the playhead position. 0 retriggers the current location. 1 jumps to the next cue forward. -1 jumps to the previous cue in the reverse. These actions are relative to playback direction such that 0 always retriggers the most recently passed location
WS.LOOP x Set the loop state on/off. 0 is off. Any other value turns loop on
WS.PLAY x Set playback state and direction. 0 stops playback. 1 sets forward motion, while -1 plays in reverse
WS.REC x Set recording mode. 0 is playback only. 1 sets overdub mode for additive recording. -1 sets overwrite mode to replace the tape with your input
WW.END x Set the loop end position (0-15)
WW.MUTE1 x Mute trigger 1 (0 = on, 1 = mute)
WW.MUTE2 x Mute trigger 2 (0 = on, 1 = mute)
WW.MUTE3 x Mute trigger 3 (0 = on, 1 = mute)
WW.MUTE4 x Mute trigger 4 (0 = on, 1 = mute)
WW.MUTEA x Mute CV A (0 = on, 1 = mute)
WW.MUTEB x Mute CV B (0 = on, 1 = mute)
WW.PATTERN x Change pattern (0-15)
WW.PMODE x Set the loop play mode (0-5)
WW.POS x Cut to position (0-15)
WW.PRESET x Recall preset (0-7)
WW.QPATTERN x Change pattern (0-15) after current pattern ends
WW.START x Set the loop start position (0-15)
WW.SYNC x Cut to position (0-15) and hard-sync the clock (if clocked internally)
X x
get / set the variable X, default 0
Y x
get / set the variable Y, default 0
Z x
get / set the variable Z, default 0
^ x y bitwise xor x ^ y
| x y bitwise or x
~ x bitwise not, i.e.: inversion of x

Missing documentation
















  1. Also know as Polish notation.↩︎